Agenda - 06-26-2007-4dd
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 06-26-2007
Agenda - 06-26-2007-4dd
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Last modified
8/29/2008 2:42:47 PM
Creation date
8/29/2008 8:58:27 AM
Document Type
Agenda Item
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2008-008 Purchasing - Telesis Construction Management for County Campus Contracts
(Linked From)
\Board of County Commissioners\Contracts and Agreements\General Contracts and Agreements\2000's\2008
2008-012 Purchasing - Resolution Telesis Construction Management County Campus Office Building and Library
(Linked From)
\Board of County Commissioners\Contracts and Agreements\General Contracts and Agreements\2000's\2008
Minutes - 20070626
(Linked To)
\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2000's\2007
RES-2007-051 Resolution agreements for Construction of & Sale & Purchase County Campus Office Building & Library
(Linked From)
\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2000-2009\2007
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When the methods and equipment to be used by the Contractor accomplishing the Work <br />are not prescribed in the Contract Documents, the Contractor shall be free to use any <br />methods or equipment that will accomplish the Work in conformity with the requirements of <br />the Contract Documents. <br />When the Contract Documents specify the use of certain methods and equipment, such <br />methods and equipment shall be used unless others are authorized in writing by the CM. If <br />the Contractor desires to use a method or type of equipment other than that specified in the <br />Contract Documents, the Contractor may request authority from the CM to do so. The <br />request shall be in writing and shall include a full description of the methods and equipment <br />proposed and of the reasons far desiring to make the change. If approval is given, it shall <br />be on the condition that the Contractor shall be fully responsible for producing Work in <br />conformity with the requirements of the Contract Documents. If, after trial use of the <br />substituted methods or equipment, the CM or the Designer determines that the Work <br />produced does not meet the requirements of the Contract Documents, the Contractor shall <br />discontinue the use of the substitute method or equipment and shall complete the <br />remaining Work with the specified methods and equipment at no additional cost to the <br />Owner. The Contractor shall remove any deficient Work and replace it with Work of <br />specified quality, or take such other corrective action as the CM may direct. No change in <br />the Contract Price or in Contract Time shall be made as a result of authorizing a change in <br />methods or equipment under this paragraph. <br />7.6 All materials and equipment shall be new, except as otherwise provided in the Contract <br />Documents. When special makes or grades of material which are normally packaged by <br />the supplier or manufacturer are specified or approved, such materials shall be delivered to <br />the Project site in their original packages or containers with seals unbroken and labels <br />intact. <br />Materials shall be so stored as to assure the preservation of their quantity, quality and <br />fitness for the Work. Stored materials, even though approved before storage, may again be <br />inspected by the CM, the Designer or the Owner prior to their use in the Work and shall be <br />required to meet the requirements of the Contract Documents at the time they are <br />incorporated into the Work. Stored materials shall be located so as to facilitate their prompt <br />inspection. The Contractor shall coordinate the storage of all materials with the CM. <br />Materials to be stored at the Project or on the Owner's property shall not create an <br />obstruction to the Owner's or other contractor's reasonable activities. Private property shall <br />not be used for storage purposes without written approvals consistent with the provisions of <br />paragraph 20.3 of these General Conditions. The Contractor shall make all arrangements <br />and bear all expenses for the storage of materials on private property. Upon request, the <br />Contractor shall furnish the CM a copy of the property owner's permission. All storage sites <br />on private or the Owner's property shall be restored to their original condition by the <br />Contractor at its entire expense, except as otherwise agreed to (in writing) by the owner or <br />lessee of the property. <br />7.7 All materials and equipment shall be applied, installed, connected, erected, used, cleaned <br />and conditioned in accordance with the instructions of the applicable manufacturer, <br />fabricator, or processor, except as otherwise provided in the Contract Documents. <br />7.8 The Contractor will be fully responsible for all acts and omissions of its Subcontractors and <br />of persons directly or indirectly employed by them and of persons for whose acts any of <br />them may be liable to the same extent that the Contractor is responsible far the acts and <br />omissions of the Contractor's own employees. Nothing in the Contract Documents shall <br />create any contractual relationship between any Subcontractor or supplier and the CM, the <br />Owner or the Designer, or any obligation on the part of the CM, the Owner or the Designer <br />to pay or see to the payment of any money due any such Subcontractor or material <br />GENERAL CONDITIONS FOR CM AT RISK PROJECT 19 of 43 JUNE 2007 EDITION <br />
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