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The Contractor acknowledges that the processing of shop drawings and other submittals is <br />directly impacted by the clarity, completeness, and accuracy of said documents and that it <br />is the Contractor's responsibility to (i} review and coordinate each submittal with all other <br />related or affected Work and (ii} approve each submittal before submitting same to the CM <br />far approval. <br />6.3 No substitutions and no deviations from any requirement of the Contract Documents shall <br />be deemed allowed unless the Contractor has specifically informed the CM in writing of <br />such deviations at the time of submittal and the Designer and the Owner have given written <br />and specific approval to the substitutions or deviations. In proposing a deviation or <br />substitution, the Contractor warrants to the CM, notwithstanding any review, allowance or <br />approval by the Designer or the Owner, that the deviation or substitution is at least equal to <br />or better in quality and for the purpose intended, and that the Contractor shall not by <br />reason of any such review, allowance or approval be relieved from any obligation or <br />responsibility contained in the Contract Documents. <br />6.4 Review of submittals by the CM and the Designer shall not be construed as relieving the <br />Contractor from responsibility for compliance with terms or designs of the Contract <br />Documents nor from responsibility for errors of any sort in the submittal. <br />6.5 The Contractor shall keep one record copy marked "As-Built" of all Specifications, <br />Drawings, Addenda, Modifications, and Submittals at the Project in good order and <br />annotated at least monthly to show all changes made during the construction process. <br />Such monthly annotations and their approval by the CM shall be a condition precedent to <br />approval by the CM of each monthly Request for Payment. Said record copy shall be <br />stored at the Project and fully protected from damage by fire or other hazard. This record <br />copy shall be available to the CM, the Designer and the Owner for inspection at all times. <br />The complete record copy shall be delivered to the CM for review and transmittal to the <br />Designer for the Owner's purposes prior to the Designer's certifying Substantial Completion <br />of the Work. <br />6.6 At completion of the Project and before Final Payment, the Contractor shall assemble and <br />deliver to the CM one complete set of all as-built drawings and one complete set of all <br />approved submittals, product data, and samples which were reviewed by the Designer. <br />These drawings and submittals shall be on paper, or in electronic or other media if required <br />by the Supplementary Conditions. These drawings and submittals shall be categorized <br />and packaged as directed by the Designer. <br />ARTICLE 7. CONTRACTOR <br />7.1 The Contractor shall supervise and direct the Work efficiently and with the Contractor's best <br />skill and attention. Except as may be set forth specifically in the Contract Documents, the <br />Contractor shall be solely responsible for the means, methods, techniques, sequences, and <br />procedures of construction, and for safety precautions and programs in connection with the <br />Work. The Contractor shall be responsible to see that the finished Work complies <br />accurately with the Contract Documents. <br />7.2 The Contractor shall appoint a competent Project Manager with general authority to <br />manage the Project for the Contractor. The Contractor also shall keep on the Project at all <br />times during the Work of the Contractor a competent Resident Superintendent and <br />necessary assistants who shall not be replaced without prior written approval by the CM <br />except under extraordinary circumstances, in which event immediate written notice shall be <br />given to the CM. If approved by the CM, taking into account the scope and complexity of <br />the Work of the Contractor, the Project Manager and the Resident Superintendent may be <br />GENERAL CONDITIONS FOR CM AT RISK PROJECT 1 l of 43 JUNE 2007 EDITION <br />