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giving the notice. Written notice may also be given by facsimile transmission, provided that <br />proof of delivery is obtained. In the case of delivery in person, such delivery shall not be <br />effective unless and until a written and signed receipt showing the date and time of delivery <br />is obtained. <br />1.25 Notice of Award -The written notice by the CM to the Contractor that the Contractor is the <br />successful Bidder and that upon compliance with the conditions precedent to be fulfilled by <br />the Contractor within the time specified, the CM will execute and deliver the Agreement to <br />the Contractor. <br />1.26 Notice to Proceed -See paragraph 13.3 of these General Conditions. <br />1.27 Owner -The Owner is the person designated as such in the Agreement. <br />1.28 Owner's Authorized Representative - A person, or persons, employed by the Owner and <br />designated from time to time by written notice to the Contractor to administer the Contract <br />Documents, and to observe and monitor the Work on behalf of the Owner with authority <br />and responsibility as herein specified. <br />1.29 Project -The total construction of which the Work performed under the Contract <br />Documents may be the whole or a part. <br />1.3i~ Project Manager -That person designated by the Contractor in accordance with paragraph <br />7.2 who shall be in general charge of the Work and its performance and who shall have the <br />authority set forth in the last sentence of paragraph 7.2. <br />1.31 Request For Information (RFI) - A written communication from the Contractor to the CM to <br />be forwarded to the Designer for any interpretation of, or information needed, required, or <br />desired under the Contract Documents. The CM reserves the right to determine the <br />reasonable format and contents required for a RFI. In any RFI, the Contractor shall state a <br />reasonable date by which a response is necessary in order to avoid delay in progress of <br />the Work and shall make such request sufficiently in advance of such date as to avoid any <br />such delay. The CM shall obtain a response in writing to the RFI by the date stated by the <br />Contractor unless the CM cannot reasonably do so, in which case the CM shall prior to that <br />date notify the Contractor of the date by which the CM can reasonably respond. The <br />Contractor shall not be entitled to any additional time for the completion of the Work or any <br />portion thereof by reason of the failure to timely respond to an RFI if the Contractor has not <br />submitted the RFI sufficiently in advance to allow the CM and the Designer a reasonable <br />time within which to respond. <br />1.32 Request for Payment -The form, in the form of AIA Document G702 {latest edition.) or <br />other published document approved by the CM, which is to be used by the Contractor in <br />requesting progress payments and which is to include a Schedule of Values as required by <br />the Contract Documents and an affidavit of the Contractor that progress payments <br />theretofore received from the CM on account of the Work have been applied by the <br />Contractor to discharge in full all the Contractor's obligations incurred in connection with <br />Work covered by all prior applications for payment. See paragraph 2a.2 of these General <br />Conditions. <br />1.33 Resident Superintendent -That person designated by the Contractor in accordance with <br />paragraph 7.2 who has day-to-day responsibility for the prosecution of the Work and the <br />obtaining of proper materials and equipment, and adequate labor and who shall have the <br />authority set forth in the last sentence of paragraph 7.2. <br />GENERAL CONDITIONS FOR CM AT RISK PROJECT 5 of 43 JUNE 2007 EDITION <br />