1.15 Days -Unless otherwise indicated, the term "days" shall mean consecutive calendar days.
<br />1.16 Daylight Hours -The hours or portions of hours between sunrise and sunset local time.
<br />1.17 Designer(s) -The person or firm designated as the Designer in the Contract Documents, or
<br />their authorized representatives. The Designer, as referred to herein, shall mean architect,
<br />landscape architect, and/or engineer. They will be referred to hereinafter as if each were of
<br />the singular number, masculine gender.
<br />1.18 Drawings -The Drawings are the graphic and pictorial portions of the Contract Documents,
<br />wherever located and whenever issued, showing the design, location, and dimensions of
<br />the Work, and generally including plans, elevations, sections, details, schedules and
<br />diagrams. A list of the Drawings is contained in the Supplemental General Conditions.
<br />1.19 Field Order - A written order issued by the Designer which clarifies or interprets the
<br />Contract Documents or orders minor changes in the Work in accordance with the Contract
<br />Documents. See paragraph 14.3 of these General Conditions.
<br />1.20 Final Completion -The point at which the Contractor has, as determined by the Designer,
<br />completed the Work, with the exception of guaranty and warranty obligations, and becomes
<br />entitled, upon the recommendation of the CM and the Designer and determination by the
<br />Owner, to final payment.
<br />1.21 The words "furnish," "Furnish and install," "install," and "provide" or words with similar
<br />meanings shall be interpreted, unless otherwise stated, to mean furnish and install
<br />complete, in place and ready for service.
<br />1.22 Master Schedule -The CM shall prepare and maintain a Master Schedule for the Project.
<br />The Master Schedule shall specify the proposed start and finish dates for each major
<br />project activity including all design and construction activities. The Master Schedule shall
<br />be included in the bid documents presented to bidders. The Master Schedule shall be
<br />revised and updated to include key activities from the approved Contractor's Construction
<br />Schedule, as described in the Contract Documents, including proposed start and finish
<br />dates.
<br />1.23 Modification - (A) a written amendment to the Contract Documents signed by the CM and
<br />the Contractor and identified therein as such, (B} a Change Order, (C) Construction
<br />Change Directive, or (D} a Field Order. A Modification may only be issued after execution
<br />of the Agreement.
<br />1.24 Notice -The term "notice" or "written notice" as used herein shall mean and include all
<br />written notices, demands, instructions, and claims approvals and disapprovals furnished by
<br />the CM, the Owner or the Designer to obtain compliance with the requirements of the
<br />Contract Documents, as well as all written notices, demands, instructions and claims
<br />furnished by the Contractor as required by the Contract Documents. Where notice is
<br />required under the terms of the Contract Documents, written notice shall always be
<br />required, and oral or "constructive" notice shall be insufficient and ineffective as notice.
<br />Email or other electronic delivery shall be insufficient and ineffective as notice unless
<br />specifically allowed by the Supplementary Conditions or a Modification to the Agreement.
<br />Written notice shall be deemed to have been duly served on the date that it is delivered in
<br />person to the individual or to a member of the firm, to an officer of the corporation for whom
<br />it is intended, to an authorized representative of such individual, firm, or corporation, or on
<br />the date that it is mailed by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, addressed
<br />to the last business address of such individual, firm, or corporation known to the person
<br />