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ARTICLE 1. DEFINITIONS <br />1.1 Agreement - The Construction Agreement, these General Conditions, and any <br />Supplementary Conditions. <br />1.2 AIA -The American Institute of Architects. <br />1.3 ASTM -The American Society for Testing and Materials. <br />1.4 Beneficial Occupancy -The point at which the Project can be occupied by the Owner for its <br />intended purpose, upon achievement of Substantial Completion, as defined in paragraph <br />1.39 of these General Conditions. <br />1.5 Change Order - A written order to the Contractor signed by the CM, the Owner and the <br />Designer authorizing an addition, deletion, or revision in the Work and/or an adjustment in <br />the Contract Price and/or the Contract Time issued after execution of the Construction <br />Agreement. See paragraph 14.1 of these General Conditions. <br />1.6 Completion Dates -Those dates identified as the Contractor's Completion Dates in the <br />Contractor's Construction Schedule, the Master Schedule, or elsewhere in the Contract <br />Documents. <br />1.7 Construction Agreement -The document executed by the Contractor and the CM to <br />formally memorialize their consent to the terms of the Agreement. <br />1.8 Construction Change Directive - A written order to the Contractor signed by the CM, the <br />Owner and the Designer directing an addition, deletion, or revision in the Work after <br />execution of the Construction Agreement, in circumstances when the parties have been <br />unable to agree on an adjustment to the Contract Price or the Contract Time, but the CM <br />directs that the Contractor proceed with said Work subject to adjustment of the Contract <br />Price and/or Contract Time under the procedures described herein. <br />1.9 Construction Manager -The person or firm designated as the Construction Manager or the <br />CM in the Contract Documents, or its authorized representatives. The agreement between <br />the CM and the Owner is referred to herein as the CM Contract or the Construction <br />Management Contract. <br />1.1l7 Contractor's Construction Schedule -That schedule described in Article 13 hereof and <br />identified as the Contractor's Construction Schedule. <br />1.11 Contract Documents -All of the documents that make up the Agreement, plus the Drawings <br />and Specifications that describe the scope of the Work, plus allowable Modifications to the <br />Contract Documents. <br />1.12 Contract Price -The total monies payable to the Contractor under the Contract Documents <br />pursuant to paragraph 15.1 of the Agreement. <br />1.13 Contract Time -The number of calendar days stated in, or computed from, the Contract <br />Documents for the completion of the Work, or any portion thereof. See, particularly, Article <br />13 hereof. Time of completion as specified therein is of the essence. The time used and <br />referred to on the Project will be that time which is observed in Hillsborough, North <br />Carolina, being Eastern Daylight Savings Time (EDT), Eastern Standard Time (EST), or <br />other as designated by the Designer. <br />1.14 Contractor -The Contractor shall be that party identified as such in the Agreement. <br />GENERAL CONDITIONS FOR CM AT RISK PROJECT 3 of 43 JUNE 2007 EDITION <br />