Agenda - 06-26-2007-4dd
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 06-26-2007
Agenda - 06-26-2007-4dd
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Last modified
8/29/2008 2:42:47 PM
Creation date
8/29/2008 8:58:27 AM
Document Type
Agenda Item
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2008-008 Purchasing - Telesis Construction Management for County Campus Contracts
(Linked From)
\Board of County Commissioners\Contracts and Agreements\General Contracts and Agreements\2000's\2008
2008-012 Purchasing - Resolution Telesis Construction Management County Campus Office Building and Library
(Linked From)
\Board of County Commissioners\Contracts and Agreements\General Contracts and Agreements\2000's\2008
Minutes - 20070626
(Linked To)
\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2000's\2007
RES-2007-051 Resolution agreements for Construction of & Sale & Purchase County Campus Office Building & Library
(Linked From)
\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2000-2009\2007
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restrictions; and (e} the truth ar accuracy of any warranty ar representation made by Seller in this Agreement. <br />Seller shall notify Purchaser in writing of any such material adverse change of which Seller is <br />knowledgeable. <br />5.03 As a further condition precedent to Purchaser's obligation to close the purchase of <br />the Property, construction of the Building, including the Interior Upfit and the exterior improvements to the <br />Real Property, shall be finally complete in a manner that satisfies the requirements of "final completion" <br />pursuant to the Agreement for Construction Management Services by and bettween Seller and Purchaser and a. <br />Certificate of Occupancy for the Building shall have been issued by the Town of Hillsborough. <br />5.04 As a further condition precedent to Purchaser's obligation to close the purchase of <br />the Property, Seller and Purchaser shall have made and entered into a written license agreement pursuant to <br />which Seller shall license to Purchaser, upon terms and conditions mutually satisfactory to Seller and <br />Purchaser, the exclusive use of the Allocated Parking Spaces. As used herein, "Allocated Parking Spaces" <br />shall mean the number of parking spaces in the parking deck under construction by Seller on a tract of land <br />lying south of the Property and north of N & K Street which shall be allocated far the exclusive use of the <br />owner of the Building and such a~wner's tenants, employees, customers, guests, licensees and invitees. <br />Allocated Parking Spaces shall be determined by subtracting from tvvo hundred forty-six (246) the number of <br />parking spaces wluch shall have been licensed by Seller to Purchaser or otherwise made available or reserved <br />for the exclusive use of Purchaser within the project complex (including the Real Property, the parking deck, <br />the proposed Orange County office building tract and the Gateway Center Building tract}. Seller and <br />Purchaser acknowledge that it is their intent that a total of two hundred forty-six (246) parking spaces shall be <br />allocated to Purchaser within the project complex far Purchaser's use of the Building, Units 200 and 300 in <br />the Gateway Center Building and the proposed Orange County office building. Only to the extend that such <br />parking spaces cannot be accommodated iwithin the project complex and outside the parking deck, shall <br />parking spaces be allocated to Purchaser witlun the parking deck. <br />5.05 As a further condition precedent to Purchaser's obligation to close the purchase of <br />the Property, Purchaser must have received North Carolina Local Government Approval of installment <br />purchase financing totaling at least $25,000,000 to enable Purchaser to purchase the Property, and other <br />property making up the Orange CountS~ Office and Library Carnplex. <br />SECTION b. Construction of the Building. <br />6.01 Subject to the terms, covenants and conditions set forth in this Agreement, Seller <br />shall construct, ar cause to be canstiuctect, a hwa story commercial building upon the Real Property <br />containing approximately 23,454 square feet (building footprint), the purpose of which building shall be to <br />serve as a public library (the "Building"}. The shell of the Building and the exterior improvements to the <br />Real Property shall be constructed and completed substantially in accordance with the Building Plans and <br />Specifications (as hereinafter defined) and all applicable municipal, state and federal approvals, ordinances, <br />codes, statutes and laws. The improvement, upfit and finishing of the interior of the Building (the "Interior <br />Upfit"} shall be constructed and completed substantially in accordance with the Interior Upfit Plans and <br />Specifications (as hereinafter defined} and all applicable municipal, state and federal approvals, ordinances, <br />codes, statutes and laws. Unless delayed by reason of the public bid process or matters beyond Seller's <br />reasonable control, construction of the Building will commence not later than ninety (90) days after the date <br />of Purchaser's delivery of the Interior Upfit Plans and specifications to Seller. Seller will make a reasonable <br />effort to have construction of the Building, the exterior improvements to the Real Property and the Interior <br />Upfit substantially complete, and the Building ready for occupancy (including issuance of a certificate of <br />occupancy) not later than ten (10) months after the date on which construction of the Building shall <br />- 5- <br />
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