<br />Docuntcnts. including those ut electronic lent. li,r inliirmation and relcrenci; in
<br />cnnncction ttilh the Pn,jett. Client shall not use the Design Dircumcnts. includin~~
<br />those in elcctrnnit li,nn furnished by Summit or in suhconsultants on other
<br />projects. tier additions to this Project. nr Inr the completion of this I'ri,ject M
<br />others. icithcxn the express rcrittcn consent ol'Summit :\m reuse withr»n ~~rinen
<br />tonsem ;hall he ut llrent'~ oak and full legal responsrhilitt. Clitm a~rrr, to hold
<br />harmles< aural iminnnrl: Sonoran and its ;uha»t~ulunus Il,tm tort and all Maim>.
<br />;mts. dcm;uuls. d;nnaecs. liuhilnre,. and to;t,. urtludute rrasonahle an,~rntt fors.
<br />oozing Ih,m Guth reuse `
<br />Iil Retention of Ihnunu•nts: Sonoran kill retool. pursuant a, u, u,u;d eL,tuna•nt
<br />retention puli:a. rrconl; rrluum~ to the 1\'ork b,r a period of three t= t gars
<br />Inllinring tomplctinn of the \lnrk. I)unn~~ this prnnd. rtcurd~ ~~'ill hr made
<br />a<utlahlc h+ the (litnt ;n tiummit'. ntliCe< durin~• normtd hu;me;, hour; upon
<br />seven t?i d:o'< nnuce.
<br />(') ~shrshts Hod Ilazurduus \laR•rials: L'nle.e othrntt.c ;petilicallc pn,culcd
<br />in the Sciq,c ul' ticnices, Summit and u> <ubcunsultants ;hall hate no
<br />responsrhiliq li» the discotert. prru;nce. handling, renu+t al. or dispmal of
<br />ashcvrn ur hai.ardous or tunic materials
<br />UI l'rrmination and tiusprnsion: 1'hi< :\ercentent nett hr tenninakJ M either
<br />p;trn upon seven t?t dais tcriuen notice in the etenl ul'suhstantial failure by the
<br />other polo to perli,nn m acca,r<fancc tc rah the terms hereof Such tcrnunatinn
<br />:hall not he cI'Iecme if the substantial failure is rcnredied heliue c~piruion ol'the
<br />seven t7i dots. C'lient's lailurc ti, pat invnii:es tcithin thirst 1;tii days shall hr
<br />Jecmed a ;uhstantial failure to prrti?rm. In ;uch rcent. Summit nwv tcnnin:uc:
<br />this A~~roentcnt or nnnrediatel~ suspend the perti?rrnaince of scrota until ;uch
<br />failure bus been tared l he t.'lirnl mat terminate this :\grcemem li,r ih
<br />conventcnce upon l,urteen t Iq i days ttritten nntitc. In the event irf u trnnin:ninn
<br />li,r cunventcnte. Client ~~ tll pad Summit tier sera itcs perfi,rmcd Ii, the termination
<br />rl'Icctivc date plus reasonahlr termination i:xpensa tcithin ten t Inl calendar ila~s
<br />nl'rcceipt of a linul imutce.
<br />In the et•ent the project. or am phase ul it is dela)'ed tier masons beyond Summit's
<br />control. unhillcd ivurk ti ill he invoiced at the standard hourly rates fur the actual
<br />number of hours expcndal. Completed ph:tscs bill he hilleJ at I'ea yuoti:d
<br />herein.
<br />F:) Disputes: In an cftirrt to resuhc any conllirt> that arise during the ilr:r~~n ur
<br />amstntction i,1'the Project or alter completion of the Pri~ject. all claims. disputes.
<br />ur other matters in question betiaccn the parties to this :\greemcnt that arise out of
<br />ur relate to this ;\grcemcm ur the hreat:h thereol'shat) br. submitted to nunhiniiing
<br />mediation hclorc a neutral third-pain ntediati>r acceptable to both parties. Such
<br />mediatirnt shall ht: a amdilion prececJyem ti, the connnencement of anc legal action
<br />arising out of this :\grcemcnt except those le_al pruecedint~: related to Client's
<br />lailure to pay.
<br />The nreiliatinn ;hall hi: conducted in atcirrdanc:r with flit: Construction
<br />Industn ~1cdiation Rules of the :\nterican Arhitratirnt association rurrcntly in
<br />ctl'cta unless the palettes agree othcniise. The cost of the mediator shall he hornu
<br />equally by flit: paries.:\ demand life mediation shall he made tcithin a reasonahlc
<br />time aster the claim. dispute or other matter has arisen. In no event shall .uch
<br />demand be made otter the dart: applicable >tuunrs of limitation ur repose would
<br />bur a Ir~~al or equitahte action based on such claim. dispute or other matter.
<br />In the event of litigation relating to the sufficiency ire adcyuacv of
<br />performance of services called for by this Agreement. should tiummit obtain a
<br />judgment dismissing Client's action or claim or other resolution wherein Summit
<br />is not required to make compensation to Client in excess of its final offer made to
<br />(.'liens in the mediation. Summit shat) he cntitlyd u'~ recover all costs incurred in
<br />the defense of dte claim including stat?time, court costs. expert tvitne~s fees. and
<br />reasonahte attorneys' Ices. and other claim related expenses.
<br />F) C'huic•r of 1_atwl~rnur: Phis :\srcement shall hr !snt•crned by the talcs of the state
<br />m which the Summit otlicc tdentilicd hclutt is located. ~rithout regard to its late o1'
<br />cnnlltct of lases.:\m legal :tctiun ,»' pnrcerding :boll he t'cnueil in the titan or I-ederal
<br />Court nrtrea the mumcipabtt in cchtch Summit`s otliae is Iocatal.
<br />G) titahrte of Limitations/Repose. c~'auses of action pcrtainnrv to this =\grrenrent
<br />shall hr dcenttd to hate alloyed and the api,litahlc ;taunrs nl' linntauun and rcpu~c
<br />;hall tnnunrntc I<, run at the earlier .,f either the da[r oI' Suhsuun sal t:'omplcti,»a of the
<br />I'n~jett or the d;nc• Sunnnn', >rrt ice, :err ~uhsiannalh a~nq,letc
<br />III 1ssi~ns: ~cither the client n,» tiununn mat dclreane. rr~~rsn..»' transler his
<br />dude. or nuerc;t m this .\, r'cemrnt t, nh,nrt fora>ent ol~ the other piu9}. e~tcpt tiunnnu
<br />mat ut its discretion utilise yualrlied ~uhcomulutnt; m the pcrtbrm;ntcr ,~f the tit,~pe
<br />„I Serctccs
<br />I) Force ~lujcurr: \enhrr parts to flit. \grccntcnt ;hall he liable to the r,thcr li,r
<br />delat+ in perGrnninc the ,~hli~~ati,?n> callcil ti,r ht flit. A~!rcentent. ur the direct and
<br />mdircct tu,D resulun_~ from >uth delut;. that ;ter loused h~ labor .take>. riot., ccar.
<br />art; nl` ~~utcnuncnt nuthonue. cctrnonhnart tceatha--zintdinons ur other natural
<br />ana;tri,phc. ur am outer louse hctnnd the rcasnnahle control ire torncmplatiori ul'
<br />either park.
<br />.I1 ~u Third-Parr) [3eneficiaries: tiothim_ m thu •\~~rrement shall ~rc:tte a
<br />cuntrtetual relatinn;hip ttith ur _oc am rif~ht or henelit to am third parts.
<br />tit Srsrrthilih. Rr1'nrmatinn and tiunival: If am pn,tisiim in this ~\greenrentJs
<br />held invalid. illc~saL ur unrnti,rc~ahlr. the en1`orceahtlih of the rrmainin~ prn~isiuns
<br />,hall nut he imp:urcd therehc, f he invalid. illctial ur unenli,rceahle I,rovtsion .hall he
<br />replaced by a nunuallt :tttcptahlr pruttsinn, rchich. being talid. legal :uul
<br />enlurceahlt. curates closet to tht parties' nuentiun undcrhing the invalid. illc:~~al ur
<br />unenli,rcrahle In'in t;ton. I imitations ui Irthilih. indcnunties. and other ccprcss
<br />reprcsentatii,ns ,hall sun it c tenninnuon ol'this :\grcemem tier ,utv cause.
<br />L) Risk .~Ilocation/l.irnitatiun of Liahility_ Client :ut<l tiununh hate iii;cussctl the
<br />risks. rcttards. and the hcnclit ol'the project and Sununit'•. total Ice for scrvitcs I he
<br />risks have been allocateii .uch that the Client agrees that to the lidless extent pcnnitted
<br />by tali. Summit's ttrLtl Iiahilin to Clien! anti cimstruttiun tontrtctors aril
<br />suhcuntractors fur ;utr and all nijune, tlanns. losses. e~penscs. dumascs or clanns
<br />expenses arising out nl'this :\_~reement from am cause or causes. is limital to and
<br />;hall not exceed Summit's tee ur S3>t1.pnU tihichever is smaller Such cnuscs include
<br />but are nut limited ti, design pmlessiunul's ne!~ligence. negligent misrepresentation.
<br />errors. omissions. ,trio liuhilih and breach irl` contract. liighrr limits of liability arc
<br />availahlc lix a negotiated Ice.
<br />>I- Indemnification: In the ILllest c~rent pernutti:d by lute. Client agrcu; to
<br />indemnity and hold harntlcss Summit. us officers. directors. employirs. agents. ;uul
<br />subconsultanls Isom all claims. ilanu~ges. injuries. Iiahilitirs. casts aril cepen;rs.
<br />ntcludutg reasi,nablc anonuys Ice> arising 1'rum rn' tlaintcd to arise 1}om the acts.
<br />omissions. negligence. fault. breach ofaattract. hrc;tch ill warranty. ur strict liability
<br />ol'Clicnt ire its employees. a~_cnts, contractors anJ suhcontracti,rs
<br />\) Cunsryurnrial Uama+„es: Vorivithstanding:ant other provisu,n of this A~rcrmcnt
<br />and to the Ihllrst extent pcnnined by late. neither Client our Sunnttit shall he liable Ibr
<br />any eonscyuential damages incurred due n, the-fault of the other pain rceardliss of
<br />the nature of the fault or whether it was cununitted by Client. Summit. their
<br />employees. agents. subi:onsultants or suhcuntrtcurrs. Consryuential damages include.
<br />but arc; not limited to, lass o(use and loss ol•pmtit.
<br />O) Complete :~r,:rccrnrnt: This :lgrecmcnt con>titutes.thc entire ugrcentent between
<br />the parties hereto and supersedes all previous undcrslandings :attd agrecntents with
<br />rospect to the Pri,jcia nr any irf the provisions hereof. Vu siatentcnt. promise.
<br />condition. undi:rstandim~. inducement. or representation. oral ur tarittcn. expressed or
<br />implied. ichieh is not cunlained hereto shall be binding or valid and this :lgrrentcnl
<br />shall not he dtanged. mvdilird ur altered in any manner except M an instrument in
<br />writing esecuteil by the parties hereto
<br />6}' si);ning this .\>;recment. you are cnnsrntim^ to the terms and Conditions set f<rrth herein. I'Irase retain a copy li,r yourself mtd return a signed original w tiummit.
<br />Client Orange County
<br />Purchasing Department
<br />B)
<br />~ Sianuun'i•1
<br />i I'run ti;unct
<br />Date
<br />Summit Consulting Engineers, PLLC
<br />Address 1000 Cot~torate Drive. SLllti: 101
<br />Cite State Flillsborouah ti_C 3.7378 ~' ~
<br />Dun Uew'ev_ PE /
<br />11'nnt 1
<br />Date fiat ~ 1. zeur
<br />L:lGrntrchnicul?Contracts/f)ram,!c County - C:onstructinn ylaterials'1'rstin~. Ezpansinn to .)asticr Facilitc, tliitshnrou{;h.dor t3 of 3)
<br />