Orange County NC Website
tia <br />TERMS AND CONDCTIONS <br />\RTICLE L CLIEtiI"ti Rt:CPO~ti1Ril.iTlEti <br />\) Client's Representative: 'fhz C'licni shall appuim a rcprrsrntatiac <br />auihorizcd to act on the Client'. hch:rlt l\'Ith rt`?pCL'[ Ut dtr I'miect. 'fhc Client ur <br />iU rrpresentative;hall make drei,iuns in a tintelt' manner ree:rrding all asl!ects ref <br />the: Pririrrt. ,hall c.~auninc dirruntznt, submitted by .Cunmtit l'unsultine I'neurrrrs <br />ihrrcinalicr referred w as lununiti and render drrisinns ut a timclt manner lu <br />;Quid unrcasnnahlc delay in the nnlerly soul sequential pnrgress .rf Sununit'~ <br />stn ices and the Project srhrdule accepted by (Trent. <br />131 Client's Pntt„r•,tm and Rud~el Rcyuirrmenis: Chrnt shall prat iile tiummit <br />full inti~nnation in a timefe nunutrr re^_ardutg all its rcyuirrntcnts tier the Pruirei <br />includine its oh-Iccutec. schedule. rritcria. autstraints ;tad buitei•t ntrludine <br />rursunahlr rnntingencies. <br />(') Right of Enh•y: Ghent shall provide rig+ht ut cote} Iiv tiummit. its aat1: <br />subronsultcuus. and all nrccssan eyurpmrnt to complete the \1'urk. Suminii hill <br />take reasonable precautions ut minimise ilamagr to prnpcrt}. Client uniler;t;utds <br />That in the normal course nl tcork some ihunaer may occur. the axrceuun of <br />which is not part,ol'this :\groenrrnt. <br />DI Required Information: C:heni will titmish Summit all inlirrmatiun. <br />rrquircments. data. report;. survzts and instructions required to cumpktz the <br />Scups of SzR~ires. including idcntihing the t}pe and lircmiun irf undereround <br />impritvernznts and utilities. and all rsisting conditions. Summit shall hate the <br />ri+~ht to rrle upon the completeness and accprai:~ of such inlirrmatinn Client <br />arknotvledges that certain assumptions twill he made rz,arding csistin~! ~unilitinn; <br />that cannot he .rcriliud tt ithout destruction or damage to existing lacilitizs. hu the <br />Fullest extent permitted M latt•. Client agrees to teaive all claims against. and in <br />hold harmless and indrmnifi. Sununu tntii ns subctnsultants. lire damaers to <br />under_round improvements and utilities and for any costs associated frith <br />undisclosed cxistine conditions. <br />E) Invoices: Summit twill render invoices even thirty days. Pa}meat is due <br />upon prrsematiun of imoiez and is past due tliirt~ (~01'davs From iitvnicz Jute. <br />Client octets to pay a renter chaser of one and oar half percent (1'"~0) per <br />month. or the maximum rate allowed by late. rnt, past due accounts. I'a}'ment of <br />invoices shall not he subject to any discounts, set-ot1s. or hackchargrs by C'liznt <br />unless in writine by tiummit. Client shall pay all costs. expenses, and <br />distributions.' including rnllcctinn asenct• fees and expenses. court costs and <br />rrasonablei attdrneys' fees incurred by Stunmit. in the event collection or Izgal <br />processes arc cmployzdlo collect nutst:utdin, bills. <br />F) Sales Tat: C'licnt will pa}' an}' applicahlz sales tar whenever deemed to he <br />duo Pacment temts arc esclusivz of sales tai. <br />:\R'I'ICLE 11: SC~L~ii'1''ti~RESF'UNtiiRILITiES <br />:\) Standard of Carr: Summit shall perfitrm the services called fix h} this <br />:\greement with the level of care and skill ordinarih' exercised by nremhcrs of the <br />same professions eurrrntly practicing under similar conditions. Nu other <br />warranty. expressed or implied. is made. Client acknottledges that incrcascil <br />eitsL; and chances may hr required due to omission, ambieuitics and <br />inconsistencies in the dratcinas and specifications. C'lienl agrees to set aside a <br />eontinoenev of at bast ~"/o of the Pritjeet construction cost to pay Ibr these rusts <br />and changes. Client further agrees it trill make no claims against Summit fix an}• <br />such costs and changes covered by such continecncy fimd. <br />H) Compliance tr•ith Laws, Codes and Standards: Consistent Leith the <br />professional standard of care. Summit tt•ill comply with I:nvs. codes. and <br />standards applicahlz to the Project Berton :ts of the effective dale of this <br />Agreement or the issuance ofthc construction pltuts and sprcilications. tvhirhever• <br />is later. <br />C') Certifications: Sunn»it shall Bien, il'requcsted h}• C'lieni. a statement that to <br />the best of its knnwlydee. inlimnation and belief: based in whole i,r in pan (m <br />inictrmatitni provided by others. the accuracy of tthich has not been verified. that <br />the Iaroject has been completed in general ronlonnanee with the plans and <br />specitirmions. Summit shall tux he rryuircd ro Bien any documents. nn ntarzr h} <br />tcham requested, in tvhidt Summit is required to cenil'y. guarantee or warrant the <br />existence of conditions the existence of which Summit has not nr cannot ascertain. <br />D) Construction Phase Services: If construction phase szRicrs are required in <br />the Scope of Srrvirrs. the litllotwin~ term; shall apply: <br />11 tine Observation: If site nhscrvation unit; are to hr provided h} Sununu. <br />~umnnt ;hall visit the site at intervals appropriate to the surer of the runstntctinn. <br />ur as nthentise c~pressly agreed rn in the Seupr of Srn ices. in order to nhsrrwc <br />the pruerrss and yu:ality of the tvnrk rnntpletzd be the runtrtetiu. Such <br />observation is not nte:un to he an zxhaustice cheek or a detailed inspzetiori of the <br />rnntractor's tcork but rather to allntw Sununit.tu hzcornz vcnerally familiar with <br />the prir~iress of the Work and to iletcrmine in gcncral if the work is hrin_+ <br />perlirrmzd in a manner indic:riing that. when Ihll}• contplcted. the twork tail) hr in <br />accordance with the Contract Documents. Summit shall not he required to make <br />rnntinuous nr r\ItilUSpce inspzctiun> to check the quantiq and quality of the \Fork <br />nor shall Sunnnit hz responsible fbr the Contrartnr'> lirilure to pcrlitnn the Work m <br />accurdancr frith the Cuntrrrt Dorunxnts <br />?1 Rejection of \\ork: Summit :hall hace the :unhuritt to rrjert am Murk id the <br />rnntractor; that a nut. m tiununit's proles>iunal ,jud~~mcnl. ut accorilanrr ttith the <br />Cnnstruriictn I tucuntrnt>. Nc•ithrr this authority nur the g+n~J faith lodgment hr rc,lert <br />nr not reject am ,urh wiuk shall suh•jert Sunuuit 0.. any haMlin nr rouse of action on <br />behalf of the rumrartirrs. suhaxnracturs or ant other suppliers ur persons pcrfitrnntg <br />pnnions Of the uurk un ihr I'rujrrt. <br />31 \\ork tine tiafety Client ugmrs that Sununrl shall nut ,open ire or direct. ur hace <br />am rrspnnsihilih li+r. rontrirl oter nr rharx ul'. ihr Cuntrarurrs' tcurk or the <br />ranaructiun mean;. nrrthuds. technique.. sequences ix pn?crdurcs, ur tier the taork <br />site >ali;it prceauunns or programs in ronncctiun frith the \\'ork. 'these nghts and <br />respunsihilities are sirlely those ul the p;u-n ire ponies perhrrmut,+ the actual <br />ronstnretiun of the project. Neither the professional actit hies of Sunnnit. nur the <br />presence of Summit personnel and >uhronsultants :n the construction site, shall relict <br />the C'untraralr> and am other ratio of their' uhli+_atiun.. duties and responsihilitir> <br />inrludin<_+, but not limited ti!. consiructirnt means. methods. sryucnre. techniques or <br />procedures nrrrssar} lire prrlbrmine. suprrintrntling or coordinating all portions of <br />the !',-ork Balch and in accordance with am' health or s:ttch requirements of am <br />re~~uleturt• agenca. 'the C'licnt agrees that the Client. Summit and its subconstdtants <br />shall he iridcmnitied by ihr Contractors and ;hall hr made additional msurcds mtder <br />the Controcutrs' gcnertl. umbrella and recess liahilit} imtirance pnlicie. <br />~l) Submittals and tihup Urawim~s: If the Seopr al' Scrriczs includes the revieta of <br />C'antractor suhminals soul shop dratcin~;. then Summit tt'ill review such submittals <br />;utd shop drauin~s Ibr the limited purpose of rheckina lire conlirnnanee with Ihr <br />dcsi_n can«pt expresscd and the inlimnation provided in the Cunstructittn <br />Documents. -this revietc shall nut inrlutlr review ul'the accurarv or completeness ul' <br />details. Bitch as quantities. dimensions, ttci~~hts or ~augrs. lahric:ation tarocrsses. <br />construction me:uts ur methods. coordination of the work with other trades ur <br />construction salct} precautions. all ctf which arc the responsihilit} of the C'oninrclors. <br />1'he rcvieta shall hr conducted with rcasonahlr prompntess while allotcine sul'licirnt <br />time in Summit's judgnrent to prrrttit adequate revtetc Revrrw of a specific item <br />shall niu indicate that Summit has revirtved the entire assemhh ul'atiich the item is a <br />component. tiummit :hall not be rcspansihle Ior am deviations from the Cnnu:tci <br />Documents not brought to its arientirnt in tvritina h} the Contractor. Summit shall not <br />hr required to rzciew partial suhmissiims or thc!sc for which submisions of atrrzlatcd <br />items have nut been recciced. <br />5) Requests ,f<ar Clarification ur interpretation: Suntrnit shall provide. with <br />reasonable prnmputcss. written responses to rcyursts from Contractors tier' <br />elarilication and interpretation al the requirement' of the Ciuttract Documents. if <br />such reyuzsts fife information. clarification or interpretation are. in Summit's <br />professional opinion, fife inlorntation readily apparent trcrnt reasonable observation of <br />field contlitiuns ire a rrvicty of the Contract Documcros. or reasonahh• inlerahlr <br />tht:rcfrom. Summit shall hr entitled to additional compensation at its regular billing <br />rates for its time spent responding to such requests. <br />b- Record Documents: If reyuirzd by the Scope oi'Services, upon completion al'thr <br />Fork Summit sh;dl compile for and deliver to the Client a reproducible set ol'l2ccord <br />Diieuments conforming In the marked-up prints, dratvines and other data lirrnished in <br />Summit h}' the C'ontracurr. This set of Record L)ociunents gill show sienificant <br />changes made during construction. f~ecuusr these Record Documents are based un <br />unverified inlimnalion' provided by other parties Utat Summit tall assume to he <br />rrliahle: Summit cannot and does not tt•arrant their acruracv. <br />E) Insurance: Summit shall maintain worker's' camprnsaiion insurance required by <br />late. Summit represents and tt'nrranis that it maintains gcncral liability and property <br />Bantaee insurance. C'rrtilicatcs for such policies shall he provided to C'lirnt upon <br />tarittcn request Client ;hall maintain at its aten cost. and expense. its own gznrr<d <br />liability and propcm' danrr~~e insurance. Client and Sununu waive all rights against <br />each other and Summit'. subconsultants. agents and cmplowes I'irr damages caused <br />h}• mty peril to dte extent covered by the propene insur<utrz maintained by Client. <br />except to the extent such prot:crds arc held ht' Client a tnrstze. 'this waiver of <br />;uhroeation shall be eflrrticr as to a person or entity even thou~~h chat person or entity <br />would othrncise have a But} ill indemnification. autlratrttud ire otherwise. Clid nut pa\' <br />the insurance premium direrllq ter intlirceih. and tthether nr not Ihr prrsim ur entih <br />had an in;urrhlr intcrat in the property danmtged. <br />:\rticle 111: General Leeal Provision; <br />\) Otcnership of Documents: Urattings. specification, aril all other docuntrnts <br />prepared h} Summit ire its subconsultants. includin~~ those in electronic titan <br />tarllrctirclw "Desien Docuntrnts") are instnnnents of serwirc. Summit shall rotain sII <br />common late. st:nuatr} and other reseRrd rights. includine agtynghl tltzreto. The <br />Dzsi~~n Documents. including those in electronic litrrn art• Iurnished fur use solcl} <br />ttith respect to this Aarcrntrnt. ~Iient is permitted in retain ropier of the Dcsimt <br />L:lGcotechnical/Contracts/Orange Counh - C'onstructimt ~latrrials Testing. Expansion w.tustire Facilih. [lillsbnruu(;h.dur (2 of 3) <br />