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12 <br /> B. FINDING #2 - Ensuring Public Confidence in Animal <br /> Control and Protection Programs. <br /> The people of Orange County must be assured that <br /> both organizations are staffed by dedicated con- <br /> scientious, well-trained and professional staff <br /> members who can be trusted to treat animals <br /> effectively and humanely. If the two programs <br /> lose that confidence, people may not call on the <br /> organizations to take care of animals that need <br /> attention. <br /> RECOMMENDATION: Both organizations should agree <br /> that the news media can be best utilized as an <br /> avenue for educational purposes, not for registering <br /> grievances or resolving conflicts. When persons <br /> associated with either organization communicate with <br /> the public as a spokesperson for their organization, <br /> they will refrain from using their official position <br /> to express personal opinions. When appropriate, <br /> joint public education initiatives through the news <br /> media, cable TV, and brochures, should be developed <br /> to describe Animal Control and APS animal services. <br /> C. FINDING #3 - Collaboration and Defined Roles When <br /> Conducting Animal Cruelty Investigations. <br /> Both the Animal Control Division and the Animal <br /> Protection Society conduct animal cruelty investi- <br /> gations. The Animal Control Division is the govern- <br /> mental unit designated by the Board of Commissioners <br /> to conduct animal cruelty investigations. The APS <br /> conducts animal cruelty investigations as a non- <br /> profit humane society whose fundamental purpose is <br /> to protect animals. However, the animal cruelty <br /> investigations conducted by these two units in <br /> Orange County have been running along parallel lines <br /> which have occasionally collided rather than result- <br /> ing in collaborative efforts. Greater definition of <br /> roles and more clearly defined measures to assure <br /> collaboration are needed. <br /> RECOMMENDATION: A document should be developed <br /> which delineates the roles of Animal Control and APS <br /> and outlines the specific collaborative measures <br /> that will be taken to assure that animal cruelty <br /> investigations are carried out in collaboration <br /> without undermining either the investigation or <br /> prerogative of either APS or Animal Control. <br /> 10 <br />