Orange County NC Website
r 28 <br /> STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA <br /> DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION <br /> JAMES B.HUNT. JR. DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS SAM HUNT <br /> GOVERNOR SECRETARY <br /> P . 0. Box 766 <br /> Graham, North Carolina 27253-0766 <br /> 24 August 1993 <br /> ORANGE COUNTY <br /> Eddie Kirk <br /> Orange County Planning Department <br /> 306F Revere Road <br /> Hillsborough NC , 27278 <br /> 919-732-8181 <br /> SUBJECT: Preliminary Review: Fox Hill Farm, Phase Two Section A <br /> Located off Miller Road (SR 1554) <br /> Dear Mr. Kirk: <br /> Per your request , a second review of the proposed subject subdivision <br /> has been completed by the personnel at the Graham District Office . <br /> Based on the results of our investigation, we are sending you a <br /> redlined copy of the plans for the subject. All conditions of the <br /> original approval are still valid and should be adhered to in <br /> addition to these comments . <br /> If you have any questions , feel free to call myself or Mr. Michael <br /> Venable at (919) 570-6833 . <br /> Sincerely, <br /> T. J. Dyer <br /> DISTRICT ENGINEER <br /> Attachments <br /> cc : J . W. Watkins , P . E. , Division Engineer <br /> TJD/MSV/eil <br /> LTR30824.EL1 <br />