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4 <br /> Throughout the E911/CAD system implementation, IBM has been extremely <br /> supportive and responsive. They have worked with the software vendor, <br /> Logisys, to make- a number of software modifications requested by the <br /> County or municipalities, without billing the County for any additional <br /> project cost. IBM Project Manager Gar Keaton attended the September 10 <br /> meeting, and seemed optimistic that Logisys would be able to accomplish <br /> some or all of the suggested software improvements. There is a new CAD <br /> release expected in November, and it may be possible to incorporate <br /> some of the suggested changes in that release. IBM may also be able to <br /> provide some interim solutions. <br /> You may recall that when Orange County made the decision in January <br /> 1992 to go ahead with the integrated E911/CAD/GIS system, we indicated <br /> that we would proceed carefully and incrementally to ensure that new <br /> technology did not outstrip our staff' s ability to use it effectively. <br /> The Enhanced 911 component came on line in late March 1992 . <br /> Integration of the CAD, DCI (Department of Crime Information) and <br /> electronic road mapping capabilities have continued since then. <br /> Telecommunications staff began training on CAD in early September 1992 . <br /> In the year since then, staff practiced extensively with CAD and passed <br /> rigorous in-house examination before the decision was made to go live <br /> with the system. I believe our telecommunicators are very well trained <br /> with the new CAD capabilities, as they are in other facets of their f <br /> jobs. They do make some mistakes, of course, but they will only get ' <br /> better as they gain more experience working with CAD. I believe the <br /> telecommunicators collectively are proud of, and pleased with, the <br /> system that the Board selected last year. <br /> We also discussed renewing participation in the interagency exchange <br /> program which was the recipient of a NACo award at the last <br /> Commissioners ' meeting. There was acknowledgment of the value of <br /> telecommunicators and field officers spending time observing the <br /> others ' environment to reinforce an appreciation for the working <br /> conditions and complexities inherent in their counterparts ' jobs. <br /> In sum, concerns about the new CAD system expressed by emergency <br /> response agencies focused on the reporting and record keeping side of <br /> the house. There seemed to be general satisfaction (or at least a lack <br /> of expression of any dissatisfaction) with the operational side of the <br /> system. Procedural changes indicated by consensus of opinion should be <br /> implemented quickly and monitored for effect. County staff will work <br /> closely with IBM, Logisys, and staff of the emergency response agencies <br /> in the weeks ahead to develop the software improvements sought at last <br /> Friday' s meeting. While we may not be able to accommodate every <br /> requested improvement, we do want to examine suggestions from <br /> response agencies and pursue evolutionary system modifications that <br /> seem advisable based on actual experience with the system. The 911 <br /> Communications Group will continue its regular meetings to review <br /> performance of the entire E911/CAD/GIS system and to promote <br /> cooperation and smooth functioning of the emergency response system in <br /> Orange County and its municipalities. <br /> This memo will be included as a report on the September 21, 1993 <br /> Commissioners ' meeting agenda. <br />