Orange County NC Website
3 <br /> method of residential collection in Carrboro and Chapel Hill , <br /> compliance is excellent . Commercial (dumpster) collections are a <br /> minor problem. County collections from green box sites are also in <br /> compliance, with only about 10% of loads having identifiable yard <br /> waste materials of any consequence . We expect this to improve once <br /> the collection sites are staffed. <br /> Discussion <br /> We suggest the following policy for your consideration : <br /> - adopt a fee of double the tipping fee for loads which <br /> violate the yard waste separation policy * ; <br /> - distribute notices of the proposed penalty fee in the <br /> landfill bills mailed in August; <br /> - post public notices of the fee in area newspapers; <br /> erect appropriate signs- at the landfill; <br /> - provide information and assistance to those <br /> haulers/generators who request it; and <br /> - emphasize the benefits of the $3/ton fee for properly <br /> prepared yard waste . <br /> * A load equalling a tipping fee of $100, if found to be in <br /> violation of this policy, would be assessed an additional $100 fee <br /> for the violation. <br /> During the interval between approval by the governing boards in <br /> August or September, and implementation in October, the Landfill <br /> Inspector would continue efforts to enforce existing policies and <br /> to inform the haulers of proper disposal methods . We would also <br /> finalize our yard waste administrative policies to set minimal <br /> acceptable allowances for haulers, develop measurement/estimating <br /> capabilities, and develop enforcement policies . <br /> Recommendation: That the LOG propose to the governing bodies the <br /> attached resolution, which establishes a fee two times the existing <br /> tipping fee for mixed waste as a penalty for bringing prohibited <br /> yard wastes to the Orange Regional Landfill . <br /> Attachment (Resolution) <br />