Agenda 09-07-1993 - VIII-D
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 09-07-1993
Agenda 09-07-1993 - VIII-D
Entry Properties
Last modified
2/6/2017 3:18:03 PM
Creation date
2/6/2017 2:31:39 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
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2 <br /> 1. The County agrees to provide up to fifteen (15) sworn law <br /> enforcement officers for each 1993 University home football game. <br /> 2 . the County agrees to provide up to fifteen (15) sworn law enforce- <br /> ment officers for each 1993-94 University home men's varsity basketball game. <br /> 3 . The County agrees to provide, if requested, up to fifteen (15) <br /> sworn law enforcement officers for each 1993-1994 University special event at <br /> the Student Activities Center, such as concerts. <br /> 4 . The County agrees to keep records of the services provided to the <br /> University under this contract and to provide such records to the University <br /> upon request. <br /> 5. The following services shall be provided by the County's law <br /> enforcement officers: traffic direction, security, emergency medical <br /> assistance, crowd control, patrol and surveillance and other law enforcement <br /> duties requested by the University and related thereto ("the law enforcement <br /> services") . The law enforcement services hereunder shall also include <br /> protective patrol of the event site and designated adjacent properties prior <br /> to, during and for a reasonable time after the end of the event. <br /> 6. The University will provide transportation on campus and <br /> communications equipment to the County's law enforcement officers while they <br /> are assigned to contracted duties for the University. The County shall <br /> provide all other equipment necessary to perform the law enforcement <br /> services. The University shall pay the costs of transportation and <br /> communications equipment which it provides for the County's law enforcement <br /> officers. The County shall pay the equipment costs of all other necessary <br /> equipment and the University shall reimburse the County for the costs in the <br /> amount included for that purpose in the statement to the University from the <br /> County described in paragraph seven of this Contract. <br /> 7 . The University shall compensate the County for the law enforcement <br /> services provided pursuant to this contract by paying to the County an amount <br /> equal to one and one half times the salary of each officer provided to the <br /> University, including supervisory personnel, plus associated employer <br /> payments to FICA and retirement accounts for said employees. Payment shall <br /> be made within thirty (30) days of receipt of a statement from the County <br /> following each event for which services are provided. The statement shall be <br /> sent to <br />
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