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i <br /> 8 <br /> GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF NORTH CAROLINA <br /> SESSION 1993 <br /> H I <br /> HOUSE BILL 878 - <br /> Short Title: Falls Lake Watershed Study/Funds. (Public) <br /> Sponsors: Representati\es Luebke; Ellis, Fussell. Gottoyi, Hackney, Hensle■ , <br /> Kuczmarski, Michaux, B. Miller, G. Miller, Miner, and Stamen. <br /> Referred to: Appropriations, <br /> April 12, 1993 <br /> 1 A BILL TO BE ENTITLED <br /> 2 AN ACT AUTHORIZING THE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT. HEALTH, <br /> 3 AND NATURAL RESOURCES TO CONDUCT A STUDY OF THE FALLS <br /> 4 LAKE WATERSHED AND APPROPRIATING FUNDS TO IMPLEMENT THIS <br /> 5 ACT. <br /> 6 The General Assembly of North Carolina enacts: <br /> 7 Section 1. The Department of Environment, Health, and Natural <br /> 8 Resources shall conduct a study of the Falls Lake watershed with regards to eater <br /> 9 ,quality and water supple purposes. <br /> 10 Sec. 2. There is appropriated from the General Fund to the Department <br /> 11 of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources the sum of one hundred lift■ <br /> 12 thousand dollars (S150,000) for the 1993-94 fiscal sear to implement the pro\ isions of <br /> 13 this act. <br /> 14 Sec. 3. This act becomes effective July 1, 1993. <br /> t I <br />