Orange County NC Website
5 <br /> Sample Letter of Support for Steps to Understand and Protect the Falls Lake Watershed <br /> 1. The Orange County Board of County Commissioners supports, in concept, a focused <br /> study that would recommend best management practices for the protection of the Falls Lake <br /> Watershed. <br /> 2. The Orange County Board of County Commissioners supports the idea of a management <br /> program for the Falls Lake watershed that would: <br /> •track development and other activities that pose a risk to water quality, <br /> • monitor water quality in the Lake and pollutant loads from selected tributaries, <br /> • conduct inspections and assessments of activities that discharge pollutants or pose a <br /> threat of spills, and <br /> • report findings to participating units of government. <br /> 3. The Orange County Board of County Commissioners supports the idea of a Falls Lake <br /> Watershed Association that could preserve the Falls Lake as a major water resource which <br /> provides water supply, recreation, water quality, and flood control benefits thorough <br /> collaborative actions of its membership. The association could collect and analyze <br /> information, identify problems and develop cost-effective solutions, and secure and pool <br /> financial resources and expertise. <br />