Orange County NC Website
29 <br /> •JRPOSE OF FORM: This form is to be used to reter o client to the D55 for out horizaton to provide services, and for <br /> county DS5's to transmit to providers the authorization and the data necessary to claim r•imbvrsem.M. <br /> SECTION I: (To be completed by the referring ogency if the form is initiated by someone other than the DSS.)Specify the <br /> requested service(s)and the ogency to be providing the service(s). Indicate the person making the referral and the agency <br /> he represents. The agency moking the referral may be the provider agency. <br /> SECTION II: (To be completed by the initiator of the form, whether it is the referring ogency or the county D55.) If it is <br /> completed by the ref erring agency, the D55 should compare the information with their records for accuracy of Home, <br /> address, and birthdote. , <br /> SECTION III: (To be completed by the DSS only.)Line A. Indicate whether the provider is or is not authorized,to provide <br /> services under Title XX by circling(is)or(is not). (IF THE PROVIDER IS NOT AUTHORIZED, DO NOT COMPLETE Ill B, IV,OR V.) <br /> Line B: Specify the time period for which service(s) is authorized. Line C: Enter the Purchase Program ID R. If the form is <br /> initiated by the provider agency, they may enter this number to facilitate processing. Line D: Enter the date of termination <br /> of authorizoton if client situation changes before the end of on existing period of authorization. <br /> SECTION IV: (To be completed by the DSS only.)Item A: Enter the code for the authorized service(s)or component of the <br /> discrete service in occordonce with the service codes reflected on the client's service plan (DSS•2515/2516). If fees ore <br /> applicable specify the fee to be imposed for the service, the unit of service to which the fee applies, e.g., per task, per <br /> client, per hour, etc. Enter the dote the provider is to begin imposing the fee if the form is being used to inform the provider <br /> of o change in the amount of o fee during on established period of authorization.The effective dote line con be left blank <br /> if the efiecr, a dote cf the fee is the some as the beainr.■ng dote of the period of authorization, Item E If Child Doy Cc•e <br /> -- Services ore authorized in Item A of this Section, indicate whether supplemental needs services are or ore not authorized <br /> for reimbursement of the supplemental needs payment rate by circling (ore)or (ore not) <br /> SECTION V: (To be completed by the DSS only.) Designate the recipient category reflected on the client's service plop <br /> (DSS•2515/2516). <br /> •Code 001—Current Recipient of SSI—Aged <br /> 'Code 002—Current Recipient of 551—Blind <br /> •Code 003—Current Recipient of 551—Disabled <br /> 'Code 005—Current Recipient of AFDC <br /> •Code 007—Medicoid Only—Recipients <br /> 'Code 013—WIN Eligible <br /> "Code 009—Income Eligible with Less than 60% of Established Income <br /> "Code 010—Income Eligible with 60%-79% of Established Income <br /> • "Code 011—Income Eligible with B0%-100%Of Established Income <br /> ••'Code 012—Without Regard to Income <br /> •••Code 014—Child Welfare Services <br /> •"Code 019—Without Regard to Income—Adjustment Services for the Blind and Visually Impaired, Adoption <br /> Services, Foster Care Services for Adults, Foster Care Services l'eir Children <br /> For purposes of the 50 Percent Rule: <br /> •indicates individuals who ore in income maintenance and related status , _ • <br /> "indicates individuals who ore in family income status <br /> •'•ts not considered in calculating compliance <br /> Line B: Enter the ID K of the recipient for whom this service is authorized. • <br /> Enter the name of the DSS, the name of the service worker'completing the form and the telephone number of the service <br /> worker. <br /> The form is to be signed by on authorized representative of the county.DSS. Enter the dame on which the form was signed. <br /> The County Identifier and County Cos.x lines ore optionol and may be used by the county to facilitate distribution or filing <br /> within the ogency. if th•county opts to use the County Case N,the provider must use the number when corresponding with <br /> the county about this particular diem. <br /> DISTPJBUTION: Complete in duplicate. One copy for service record and one copy for provider agency. <br /> DSS•1360(Rev. 7/85) <br /> Family Services <br />