Orange County NC Website
5 <br /> 5. Update Board travel policy (Commissioner Carey) <br /> Disposition: Board travel policy was on the August 4, 1993 Commissioner's <br /> meeting agenda. <br /> 6. Library <br /> Friends of the Carrboro Library - Request for Funding for a library in Carrboro (Board) <br /> Disposition: A task force appointed by the Regional Library is studying this <br /> issue and the possibility of reallocating other library resources. <br /> 7. Merit Pay Plan <br /> Review effectiveness of existing plan and explore alternative plans (Board) <br /> Disposition: The Manager recommends the Board schedule a worksession for <br /> November, 1993 to discuss merit policy issues and provide <br /> direction to the staff on these. Attachment 2 outlines issues raised <br /> by the Board's questions for possible work session consideration. <br /> S. Restoration of Fairview Park (Board) <br /> Disposition: Recreation and Parks, with assistance from Public Works, will <br /> oversee repair to the park from existing CIP funds. <br /> 9. Funding Equity for the Town Library and Recreation (Commissioner Gordon) <br /> Disposition: Staff needs further direction from the Board. <br /> 10. Energy <br /> Report showing energy consumption use for School and County facilities; Priority order <br /> of energy retrofitting projects and the associated payback period for projects; energy <br /> consumption initiatives (Commissioners Halkiotis and Willhoit) <br /> Disposition: The County Engineer, with assistance from the Public Works <br /> Director, and help from Roger Hayes from UNC-Chapel Hill, will <br /> report to the Board on these issues by October. <br />