Orange County NC Website
3 <br /> An Ordinance Regulating Smoking in Buildings Owned by <br /> or Leased to Orange County and Motor Vehicles <br /> Owned by or Leased to Orange County <br /> WHEREAS, North Carolina General Statutes 153A-121 <br /> authorizes the Board of County Commissioners of <br /> Orange County (hereafter "the Board" ) to enact an <br /> ordinance to protect the public health and safety <br /> and to promote the general welfare of the citizens <br /> of Orange County (hereafter "the County" ) ; and <br /> WHEREAS, North Carolina General Statutes 153A-169 requires <br /> the Board to supervise the maintenance, repair and <br /> use of all County property and authorizes the Board <br /> to adopt, by ordinance, regulations concerning the <br /> use of County property; and <br /> WHEREAS, Representative groups of County employees have <br /> indicated that they desire a smoke-free work place <br /> and that they do not wish to be exposed to <br /> environmental tobacco smoke which in some instances <br /> irritates, aggravates or causes respiratory <br /> ailments by inhaling the second-hand smoke of <br /> employees who do smoke; and <br /> WHEREAS, There is a growing body of evidence to indicate <br /> that smoking is a major cause of certain <br /> preventable diseases and deaths in this country and <br /> the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has <br /> concluded that the widespread exposure to <br /> environmental tobacco smoke in the United States <br /> presents a serious and substantial public health <br /> impact; and <br /> WHEREAS, The Board is committed to protecting and promoting <br /> the health and safety of citizens and employees by <br /> reducing exposure to environmental tobacco smoke <br /> in County buildings and motor vehicles; and <br /> WHEREAS, County buildings and vehicles are at less risk of <br /> damage and abuse and more efficiently utilized and <br /> maintained at less expense and effort by the <br /> regulation therein of smoking. <br /> NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED by the Orange County Board of <br /> Commissioners: <br /> 1. Authorization <br /> This Ordinance is enacted pursuant to N.C. General <br />