Orange County NC Website
Self-Image: Unfair access to opportunities. <br /> Discrimination is prevalent. <br /> Trends and Intentions:Declining black commercial district. <br /> Social Organization <br /> Family: Increasing single heads-of-household. <br /> Politics: Lack of political astuteness, awareness and <br /> influence, through improvement is promising. <br /> Institutions (Social): No networking. <br /> Community Organizations: Only in public housing. <br /> Religious Institutions: Not as active or involved as should be. <br /> Seven black churches exist in targeted area. <br /> Volunteer Organizations: United Way and similar <br /> agencies not truly reaching black community. <br /> Government <br /> At-Large: Form of government with mayors, town <br /> council and county commissioners. <br /> • <br /> Three municipality governments involved <br /> with and supportive of economic development <br /> work in the targeted area. <br /> Planning Policies: No present economic development <br /> policy is in place though one is in planning <br /> stage. <br /> Power/Position of Targeted Area: Rapidly improving to <br /> be positive. <br /> Population <br /> (based on figures for C.T. 113) <br /> Age: Male Female <br /> White 20-24 years 38.97% 45.34% <br /> 65-74 years 34.74 19.16 <br /> Black 25-34 years 22.55 17.70 <br /> 65-74 years 15.20 16.80 <br /> Health: Generally good. <br /> Income Level: Household yearly mean was $19,199. <br /> Education: White No diploma 0% <br /> Bachelor's degree 36.16 <br /> Black No diploma 49.08 <br /> Bachelor's degree 8.1 <br />