Orange County NC Website
Please came <br /> i <br /> The MIDWAY DEVELOPM4NT COMN'.ISSION INC. invifes ALL COMMU N IT <br /> Y <br /> residenfs, business owners, churches, organization members, lenders 9 <br /> and invesfors, and anybody else inferesfed in fhe economic <br /> developmenf of fhe Midway Area fo the firsf <br /> ii chvav <br /> IDeveicpment <br /> 1cmrnissj1in <br /> CCAMUNI-11Y • MICEII-INC <br /> Inc. <br /> iuesdir , June 1 13:30 8� J�3 P.1111. ' <br /> Fir 131i <br /> st baptist ur <br /> Chi turner of Roberson and Rosemary streets <br /> •[ATUR[D SPEAI([RS: <br /> Andrea Harris, president, N,C. Institute of Minority Economic Development <br /> Abdul Rasheed, co-director, N.C. Client and Community Development Center <br /> president and CEO, N.C. Association of Community Development Corp. <br /> SP[CIAL INVITED GUSTS: <br /> Ken Broun, mayor, Town of Chapel Hill <br /> Eleanor Kinnaird, mayor, Town of Carrboro <br /> Moses Carey, chairman, Orange County Commissioners <br /> Come learn what role communify economic development is playing in Y our fufure! <br /> rreffs Build Together! <br />