Orange County NC Website
14 <br /> M ["A <br /> 1 . Access to all lots be limited to Talon Lane <br /> 2 . Payment-in-lieu of donating land for park and <br /> recreation purposes will be made by the <br /> developer. <br /> Agency comments have been received from Soil and <br /> Water Conservation, Environmental Health, Fire <br /> Marshall and Erosion Control. Applicable <br /> comments have been incorporated into the <br /> Resolution of Approval. <br /> The Planning Staff recommends approval of the <br /> Preliminary Plan for Falconridge subject to the <br /> conditions contained in the Resolution of <br /> Approval (a copy an attachment to these minutes <br /> on pages ) . <br /> Waddell expressed concern with the impact of <br /> the 100-year floodplain on lots 4 and 5 . Hinkley <br /> responded that approximately one-half of lots 4 <br /> and 5 is impacted by the 100-year floodplain. <br /> However, there is sufficient buildable area on <br /> each lot. He noted that lot 6 is also impacted <br /> by the stream which would require some type of <br /> bridge since the buildable area on lot 6 is on <br /> the back side of the lot. <br /> Waddell asked if a common driveway could be <br /> shared by lots 5 and 6. Hinkley responded that <br /> had not been discussed by Staff but agreed that a <br /> joint driveway was a possibility. He continued <br /> that joint driveways had been required in <br /> previous subdivisions but it was usually for the <br /> purpose of helping to control traffic. A joint <br /> driveway in this case would be to protect the <br /> environment. Willis indicated it would be <br /> appropriate to require a joint driveway as an <br /> improvement to the subdivision. Thus, the <br /> developer would be required to construct the <br /> joint driveway at the time the road was <br /> constructed. Previous problems with such <br /> requirements have indicated that the best <br /> approach is to have the developer to construct <br /> the joint driveway as a part of the improvements <br /> for the subdivision. A condition could be added <br /> to the resolution to address this concern. <br /> Waddell asked if the applicant was available to <br /> respond to this concern. Steve Yuhasz, surveyor <br /> for the subdivision, indicated that a requirement <br /> for a joint driveway to serve lots 5 and 6 was an <br /> appropriate condition to add. <br />