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Using these guidelines as the basis for reviewing the collected data, the task force <br />developed two overarching principles for improving safety and multi -model <br />transportation along Smith Level Road while protecting the integrity of the watershed. <br />Slow Down the Traffic <br />Traffic calming measures will improve safety for motorists as well as those bicyclists <br />who currently use the road. We expect that.the recommended tactics will have the <br />secondary advantage of reducing the volume of traffic by encouraging some commuters <br />to the university and/or hospital to stay on 15 -501. <br />1. Reduce the speed limit on the southern section of the road to 35 MPH. DOT's <br />preference would be to conduct a speed zone study to determine if the speed <br />should be reduced. However, it is important to remember that DOT's goals are to <br />facilitate the smooth-and-even-flow-of traffic_ while_the_hope_of_the residents living <br />along this road is to improve safety and non - vehicular mobility along the road. In <br />this instance the goals of citizens and the DOT are at odds. <br />2. Examine the possibility of eliminating one of the two turn lanes and one of the <br />merge lanes at the entrance of Smith Level Road coming off 15 -501. The stacking <br />lane on 15 -501 may need to be extended if a turn lane is eliminated in order to <br />assure smooth movement in the through lanes along 15 -501. These additional <br />lanes were added to accommodate long -term traffic projections and a non- <br />permanent design to remove those additional lanes for the short-term may be <br />amenable to DOT. <br />3. Impose truck restrictions on the section of Smith Level Road between Damascus <br />Church Road and S Greensboro Street. Truck restrictions apply to through <br />traffic and would not restrict access for Merritt's mining operations or school <br />deliveries. Restrictions are imposed by request of local government to the <br />Department of Transportation where they are reviewed to assure that such <br />restrictions will not have the unintended consequence of pushing truck traffic onto <br />smaller neighborhood roads. <br />4. Examine the possibility of narrowing the traffic lanes by 6" on the section of the <br />road between Rock Haven and 15 -501. According to 'DOT guidelines, Smith <br />Level Road should have 12 -foot lanes based on projected traffic volumes. This is <br />another instance where the DOT goal of moving traffic smoothly and evenly is at <br />odds with the citizen -goal of slowing and/or reducing traffic. Narrowing the lanes, <br />in conjunction with extending the shoulders, could help slow down traffic and <br />also improve bicycle accessibility (see #2, page 6). <br />5. Request that NCDOT conduct a traffic and feasibility study at Damascus Church <br />Road and Smith Level. A roundabout would provide speed reduction and <br />Page 5 of 8 <br />