Orange County NC Website
DATE f/7°Y3 <br /> ITEM <br /> NORTH CAROLINA <br /> ORANGE COUNTY MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT <br /> This Memorandum of Agreement by and between Orange <br /> County, North Carolina ( "County" ) and Beverly A. Blythe, <br /> Clerk to the Board ( "Clerk" ) is entered into this /7/X day of <br /> August 1993. <br /> W I T N E S S E T H: <br /> WHEREAS, Orange County Board of Commissioners deems it <br /> to be in the best interest of the County to enter into this <br /> agreement with the Clerk. <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS AGREED: <br /> 1 . Effective September 7, 1993 the County will pay a <br /> stipend of $75 per meeting to the Clerk for <br /> attendance at each of the up to 22 regularly <br /> scheduled monthly meetings of the Board. The total <br /> amount paid may not exceed a total of $1650 plus <br /> required County matching contributions for <br /> retirement and social security. <br /> Such meeting stipend is paid in lieu of all <br /> compensatory time off either at a time and one half <br /> or other rate for time spent in such regular <br /> meetings. Time spent in regular meetings results in <br /> no reduction of the Clerk's regular 40 hour work <br /> schedule. <br /> 2 . The $75 meeting stipend will be paid on the payday <br /> for the pay period beginning date which next follows <br /> the Board meeting. The stipend is subject to <br /> required statutory deductions, including federal and <br /> state income tax withholding, retirement and social <br /> security. <br /> 3 . The meeting stipend does not apply to special <br /> meetings of the Board of Commissioners such as <br /> quarterly public hearings or budget work sessions. <br /> For these meetings the the Clerk shall receive an <br /> hour and one half of compensatory time off for each <br /> hour spent in such meetings without regard to other <br /> hours worked in that workweek, subject to the review <br /> and approval of the Board Chair. <br /> IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the County has caused this <br /> Memorandum of Agreement to be executed in its name, by its <br />