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Page 6 of 20 <br /> vouchers evidencing in detail the nature and the propriety of the charges, <br /> as referenced in 49 CFR Part 18. <br /> (c) Allowable Costs. Expenditures made by the Contractor shall be <br /> reimbursed as allowable costs to the extent they meet all of the <br /> requirements set forth below. They must be: <br /> (1) based on work completed to the satisfaction of the Department <br /> within the time frame established by the approved Project, and <br /> further be made in conformance with the approved Annual Budget and <br /> all other provisions of this Agreement; <br /> (2) necessary in order to accomplish the Project; <br /> (3) actual net costs to the Contractor, defined as the price paid <br /> minus any refunds, rebates, or other items of value received by the <br /> Contractor which have the effect of reducing the cost actually <br /> incurred, including credit for fuel or sales taxes paid by local <br /> governments and private nonprofit organizations eligible to file <br /> for such tax refunds from the appropriate State or Federal office; <br /> (4) incurred and be for work performed within the periods of <br /> performance specified in this Agreement, unless specific <br /> authorization from the Department to the contrary is received; <br /> (5) in conformance with the standards for allowability of costs set <br /> forth in OMB Circular A-87, "Principles For Determining Costs <br /> Applicable to Grants and Contracts With State, Local , and Federally <br /> Recognized Indian Tribal Governments"; and <br /> (6) treated uniformly and consistently under accounting principles and <br /> procedures approved or prescribed by the Department. <br /> (d) Reports. The Contractor shall advise the Department regarding the <br /> progress of the Project at such time and in such a manner as the Department <br />