Orange County NC Website
Page 4 of 20 <br /> The Contractor shall initiate and prosecute to completion all actions <br /> necessary to enable the Contractor to provide its share of project costs at <br /> or prior to the time that such funds. are needed to meet project costs. The <br /> Contractor shall provide its share of project costs from sources other than <br /> FTA funds. Any costs for work not eligible for Federal and State <br /> participation shall be financed one hundred percent (100%) by the Contractor. <br /> (a) Administrative Expenditures. In order to assist the Contractor <br /> in financing the administrative costs of the project, the Department shall <br /> reimburse the Contractor up to the percentage specified in the Approved <br /> Project Budget of allowable administrative costs which shall be determined <br /> by available funding. <br /> (b) Operating Expenditures. In order to assist in financing the <br /> operating costs of the project, the Department shall reimburse the <br /> Contractor for the lesser of the following: (1) the balance of unrecovered <br /> operating expenditures after deducting all farebox and other operating <br /> revenues, or (2) up to the percentage specified in the Approved Project <br /> Budget of the allowable total operating expenditures which shall be <br /> determined by available funding. <br /> (c) Capital Expenditures. In order to assist the Contractor in <br /> financing the capital costs of the project, the Department shall reimburse <br /> the Contractor up to the percentage specified in the Approved Project Budget <br /> of allowable costs which shall be determined by available funding. <br /> (d) Payment. The Contractor shall submit itemized invoices to the <br /> Department not more frequently than monthly, nor less frequently than <br /> quarterly, reporting on the Department's Uniform Public Transportation <br /> Accounting System (UPTAS) invoicing forms furnished by the Department for <br /> work performed under this Agreement. Invoices shall be supported by <br />