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Page 3 of 20 <br /> aforementioned documents, and any subsequent amendments or revisions thereto, <br /> are herewith incorporated by reference, and are on file with and approved by <br /> the Department in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. <br /> Nothing shall be construed under the terms of this Agreement by the <br /> Department or the Contractor that shall cause any conflict with. Department, <br /> State, or Federal statutes, rules, or regulations. <br /> Section 3. Limitations of Agreement. This Agreement shall be <br /> subject to the availability of funds, and contingent upon the terms and <br /> conditions of a grant agreement between the FTA and the Department. <br /> Section 4. Period of Performance. This Agreement shall commence <br /> July 1, unless specific written authorization from the Department to the <br /> contrary is received, and the period of performance shall extend from the <br /> commencement date to June 30. The Contractor shall commence, carry on, and <br /> complete the approved Project with all practicable dispatch, in a sound, <br /> economical , and efficient manner. Upon written authorization from the <br /> Department, this Agreement may be renewed on an annual basis to allow for the <br /> performance of additional Projects. <br /> Section 5. Cost of Project.. The Department shall reimburse the <br /> Contractor for allowable costs for work performed under terms of this <br /> Agreement which shall be financed with Federal Section 18 funds and State <br /> funds. The Contractor shall expend funds provided in this Agreement in <br /> accordance with the approved Annual Budget which is specifically incorporated <br /> herein by reference. It is understood and agreed that the work conducted <br /> pursuant to this Agreement shall be done on a actual cost basis by the <br /> Contractor. The amount of reimbursement from the Department shall not exceed <br /> the funds budgeted in the approved Annual Budget. <br />