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Page 10 of 20 <br /> the bid award by the Contractor. The Contractor shall recommend bid awards <br /> only after evaluation of performance, standardization, life 'cycle costs, and <br /> other factors the Department may deem relevant in addition to the <br /> consideration of initial capital costs. Where necessary, the Department <br /> will assist the Contractor in making such evaluations. The Department shall <br /> approve the bid award prior to the execution of any agreement between the <br /> Contractor and the selected bidder. <br /> Section 10'. Title to Vehicles. The Certificate of Title to all <br /> vehicles purchased under the approved Project shall be in the name of the <br /> Contractor. The Public Transportation Division shall be recorded on the <br /> Certificate of Title as first lienholder. In the event of project <br /> termination or breach of contract provisions, the Contractor shall , upon <br /> written notification by the Department, surrender project equipment and/or <br /> transfer the Certificate(s) of Title for project equipment to the Department <br /> or the Department's designee. <br /> Section 11. Use of Project Equipment. The Contractor shall use all <br /> project equipment for the duration of its useful life in the manner , <br /> specified in the Project Description contained in the approved application. <br /> With the prior written approval of the Department, project equipment may be <br /> used for other purposes provided that these other uses are consistent with <br /> uses outlined in the Transportation Development Plan and do not interfere <br /> with the primary purpose of service provisions. The aforementioned <br /> documents, and any subsequent amendments or revisions thereto, are herewith <br /> incorporated by reference. If any project equipment is not used in <br /> accordance with this section or is withdrawn from the transportation <br /> service, whether by planned withdrawal or casualty loss, the Contractor <br /> shall immediately contact the Department. If the Department determines that <br />