Orange County NC Website
7 <br /> • <br /> MEMORANDUM <br /> TO: Marvin Collins , Planning Director <br /> Warren Faircloth , Erosion Control Supervisor <br /> FROM: Paul Thames , County Engineer <br /> DATE: September 16 , 1992 <br /> SUBJECT : Berini sewer extension project <br /> I have review the plans for the above referenced project as <br /> per your request. I see nothing on these plans nor have I <br /> been able to learn anything regarding this project which does <br /> not conform to the letter and the intent of the County Water <br /> and Sewer Policy. <br /> The actual design of the sewer system is something that I am <br /> not happy with. There are many relatively short segments of <br /> pipe which collect the waste flow from up to ten mobile <br /> homes . These segments utilize six inch pipe which change <br /> vertical and horizontal alignment without using manholes . <br /> Many of these pipe segments intercept each other and the <br /> eight inch main collector line without the use of a manhole . <br /> While practices such as the use of six inch collectors and <br /> not using manholes at alignment changes and where collector <br /> pipes intersect are undoubtedly economical , I believe that <br /> they present the potential for future operational problems . <br /> Unfortunately, under current Orange County regulations , we <br /> apparently have not leverage or regulatory authority to <br /> compel the modification of the sewer design . <br /> The Berini sewer extension plans have been approved by both <br /> the City of Durham and DEM. I have spoken with DEM regarding <br /> my problems with the design of this project. According to <br /> Carolyn McCaskill , supervisor of the section responsible for <br /> permitting this project, the failure to use manholes at <br /> changes in alignment and at collector pipe intersections is <br /> contrary to DEM design standards . However, DEM does not now <br /> have plans for this project and cannot determine how the <br /> plans were approved with the problems I have noted . <br /> Ms . McCaskill indicated that DEM would look into the matter <br /> and see if the problems can be rectified . I do not have much <br /> hope for DEM ' s efforts as the plans have already been <br /> approved . One additional twist in this affair is that the <br /> permit application to DEM indicated that this project eras <br /> located in Durham County . Otherwise DEM would have given <br /> Orange County an opportunity to comment on the project design <br /> prior to project approval and permitting . <br />