Orange County NC Website
3 <br /> CHRONOLOGY OF EVENTS - CP-2-93, LOUIS AND JOE F. BERINI <br /> SPRING 1991 Applicants contract with the City of Durham to <br /> extend water service to the Caroline Mobile <br /> Home Park. Applicants unaware of need to <br /> contact Orange County concerning such <br /> extension. <br /> MAY 1991 Water service installation completed. <br /> JUNE 1992 Applicants contract with City of Durham to <br /> extend sewer service to Caroline Mobile Home <br /> Park. Applicants unaware of need to contact <br /> Orange County concerning extension. <br /> JULY 1992 Sewer line construction begins. <br /> SEPT 3, 1992 Applicant calls about erosion control plan, <br /> sets up appointment with Erosion Control <br /> Supervisor to review plans. Sewer extension <br /> plans first seen. Letter from Environmental <br /> Health presented regarding potential for <br /> failing septic tanks in future. Erosion Control <br /> notifies and meets with Comprehensive Planner <br /> III and Planning Director on the matter in the <br /> afternoon - plans sent to County Engineer for <br /> review. Erosion Control Supervisor contacts <br /> Environmental Health Division for <br /> clarification. <br /> SEPT 9, 1992 Memo from Environmental Health to Erosion <br /> Control Supervisor noting that there are no <br /> current septic tank failures in park, but <br /> the potential for increased failure in future <br /> exists. Thus Environmental Health supportive <br /> of public sewer extension. <br /> SEPT 10, 1992 Applicant's engineer meets with Erosion Control <br /> and County Engineer. <br /> SEPT 16, 1992 County Engineer memo notes concerns with <br /> project design and review procedure, but finds <br /> that the extension has been approved by the <br /> State, and is in keeping with the Water <br /> and Sewer Policy since it would correct what <br /> would become a public health emergency in the <br /> near future. <br /> SEPT 22, 1992 Applicant notified that Erosion Control Plan <br /> has been approved. Follow-up inspections of <br /> site conducted at later dates . <br /> OCT 27 , 1992 Applicants visit Planning Department, talk to <br /> Current Planning staff about expansion of <br />