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15 <br /> that additional personnel may be needed with any <br /> change or increase in the number of lots and the <br /> cost for that service. She felt that the Board <br /> of Commissioners should have discussion with <br /> Durham regarding all of the problems of this <br /> property) . <br /> 1 abstained (Walters - new member) . <br /> MOTION: Burklin moved that Orange County pursue <br /> discussions with the City of Durham in this area <br /> with respect to establishing systems and <br /> assurances that proper procedure and discussion <br /> is followed before extension of water and sewer <br /> into the County. Burklin further moved to <br /> request that discussions be held between Orange <br /> County and Durham public safety groups to make <br /> sure that this area is adequately covered by <br /> public safety standards (police fire and rescue <br /> services) . Seconded by Eidenier. <br /> VOTE: Unanimous . <br /> Burklin asked that an update on this issue be <br /> presented to the Planning Board in two months <br /> time. Stancil agreed. <br /> b. Zoning Atlas Amendments <br /> ( 1) Z-2-93 Marilyn and David Liner <br /> Presentation by Emily Cameron. <br /> The property in question is located on the west <br /> side of Efland-Cedar Grove Road (SR 1004 ) <br /> approximately 650 feet north of US Highway 70 on <br /> the south side of McGowan Creek. The total area <br /> proposed for rezoning contains 4 . 18 acres and is <br /> described as Lot 33 , Block A of Tax Map 31 in <br /> Cheeks Township. <br /> In the adopted Land Use Element of the <br /> Comprehensive Plan, the property is designated <br /> Ten Year Transition in the Efland Center <br /> Commercial-Industrial Node. The current zoning <br /> is Residential-1 and Protected Watershed II <br /> (Upper Eno) . The zoning district proposed is <br /> Residential-3; the PWII designation will remain <br /> in place. <br /> Adjacent property to the south is residential and <br /> a cemetery. To the east and west, land use is <br /> residential. Across McGowan Creek to the north <br /> is the Efland Mill zoned Industrial-1 . <br />