Orange County NC Website
RES-2017-007 Attachment 5 <br /> 21 <br /> ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br /> RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE COUNTY MANAGER TO CONVEY <br /> COUNTY-OWNED REAL PROPERTY BY PRIVATE SALE OR OTHER <br /> MEANS TO PROVIDE AFFORDABLE HOUSING TO PERSONS OF LOW <br /> OR MODERATE INCOME <br /> WHEREAS, the Orange County Board of Commissioners ("Board") is committed to <br /> developing safe, convenient, accessible and efficient affordable housing for low and moderate <br /> income households; and <br /> WHEREAS, North Carolina General Statute § 153A-378 provides in part that the <br /> County may convey property owned by Orange County by private sale to any public or private <br /> entity that provides affordable housing to persons of low or moderate income under and terms <br /> and conditions that the Board may determine; and <br /> WHEREAS, North Carolina General Statute § 153A-165 authorizes the Board to lease <br /> real property, with or without an option, for an authorized public purpose; and <br /> WHEREAS, Orange County owns the below listed properties that they want developed <br /> for affordable housing for persons of low to moderate income: <br /> • PIN#9778-94-1099 <br /> • PIN#9799-74-6369 <br /> • PIN#9835-41-6142 <br /> • PIN#9846-53-4499 <br /> • PIN#9865-51-6149 <br /> • PIN#9865-51-7394 <br /> • PIN#9865-61-4458 <br /> • PIN#9865-62-2018 <br /> All located in the Orange County Registry; <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Orange County Board of <br /> Commissioners that the following procedures and standards for affordable housing are hereby <br /> adopted and shall be followed: <br /> 1. That the County Manager is hereby authorized, subject to legal review and approval <br /> by the County Attorney, to execute the necessary documents to convey the above <br /> described property either by negotiated sale or lease to private of public entity for the <br /> development of affordable housing for persons with low to moderate income. <br /> 2. That the County may use or convey the property to either provide or partner with a <br /> federal, state, town, private or non-profit entity to provide affordable housing <br /> opportunities for persons of low to moderate income in Orange County. <br /> 3. That any property conveyed for the development of affordable housing be developed <br /> within thirty months under procedures, standards and conditions established by the <br />