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DocuSign Envelope ID:8098AFC6-0436-4DCB-B911-252527D 189DE <br /> NARRATIVE <br /> I. School Profile <br /> Mary Scroggs Elementary School (Scroggs) is a vibrant and diverse school, educating 510 <br /> students from 42 different countries who speak 37 different native languages. The Scroggs <br /> community of administrators, teachers, and parents work together to meet the goals of <br /> promoting the academic achievement of all students, providing enrichment and support so <br /> all students can reach their full potential, and enhancing appreciation of the school's cultural <br /> diversity and social responsibility. To complement our curriculum, we host several evening <br /> events annually to bring together staff, students, parents, and extended family members. <br /> These events include Multicultural Night, Literacy Night, Math Night, and STEAM (science, <br /> technology, engineering, art, and math) Night, at which 50 guest scientists and 25 teachers <br /> lead hands-on activities for more than 300 participants. <br /> Scroggs has a Title I program, with approximately 30% of its students receiving free or <br /> reduced lunch. We serve a significant number of international and minority students, <br /> including refugees from civil wars in Myanmar and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. <br /> While some students have families who are easily able to enjoy the arts, many of our <br /> students are struggling with basic language barriers and economic survival, and do not have <br /> access to cultural arts experiences outside of school. Moreover, this year, Scroggs was <br /> designated a Title I "Focus School," meaning that a large percentage of our economically- <br /> disadvantaged students are continuing to not meet state standards for reading and math. <br /> Our efforts to address this situation include increasing the enrichment activities for all <br /> students, especially those with little access to science, technology, and arts programs <br /> outside of school. <br /> The Scroggs Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) is an active organization committed to <br /> making the school a dynamic place for every student. The PTA helps fund programs and <br /> activities such as school-wide assemblies, field trips, technology tools, and new books for <br /> classrooms and the Media Center. PTA parents also give their time and talents to <br /> strengthen school programs that directly impact students, such as serving as literacy <br /> coaches and on the District-wide Special Needs Advisory Committee. The PTA is very <br /> supportive of enrichment programs at Scroggs, funding the Guest Artist Program in which <br /> local artists mentor students in the classroom, and helping transform a classroom trailer <br /> from a storage area into a STEAM Lab/Makerspace where students now explore, create, <br /> and think outside-the-box. <br />