Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID:8098AFC6-0436-4DCB-B911-252527D 189DE <br /> BIO FOR DONOVAN ZIMMERMAN <br /> Even at an early age, Donovan Zimmerman had the visual arts in his blood. He attended <br /> the School for Creative and Performing Arts, a magnet art school in Cincinnati, Ohio, for <br /> grades 4-12 with a major in art and a minor in drama. He then completed his "foundations" <br /> year at the Art Academy of Cincinnati. It was there that he met his friends, made art, and <br /> tried "to make sense of it all." <br /> Sketchbook in hand and adventure on his mind, Donovan travelled across the U.S., as well <br /> as around Mexico, Canada, India, Guatemala, and Honduras. In Oregon, he began making <br /> masks, which led to the creation of the "Sticks and Stones Theater," his first attempt to <br /> create a puppet company, which he says didn't really work out. <br /> After visiting this area for years to take part in the Haw River Festival, Donovan and his wife <br /> made their home in Saxapahaw, North Carolina. He is so thankful for the community of <br /> incredible people he met through the Festival, many of whom have been essential to the <br /> success of Paperhand Puppet Intervention, including his long-time friend, collaborator, and <br /> co-director Jan Burger. <br /> NOTE: Mr. Zimmerman is currently abroad creating a ne w puppet show, and could not <br /> provide a resume at this time. His resume will be forwarded upon his return. <br />