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DocuSign Envelope ID: 1 FB3C60F-686F-4434-8500-FE7D2516331 E <br /> Proposed Uses of Grant Funds <br /> Ephesus Elementary School PTA is requesting Grant Funds to help pay the artist fees for the <br /> 2016-17 Resident Artist, Poet Jaki Shelton Green. Although the PTA has already budgeted and <br /> committed the funds needed to complete the Resident Artist program this year, Fall 2016 <br /> fundraising efforts fell short of their expected goal (approximately $26,000 raised rather than the <br /> $30,000 anticipated). As a result, the PTA is seeking additional support for the Resident Artist <br /> fees in order to continue other needed programming. <br /> The Resident Artist program is new to Ephesus this year and is aimed at enriching the language <br /> arts curriculum while providing all students with the opportunity to interact with and learn from a <br /> successful working artist. During 2016-17 school year, Ms. Green is conducting a series of four <br /> visits to each classroom in the school. Ms. Green began the school year with visits to the 5th <br /> grade classrooms and is working in turn with the younger grades as the school year progresses. <br /> Each classroom visit is approximately 45 minutes in duration, with two goals: (1) to deeply engage <br /> students in working to understand and write poetry, and (2) to produce a poem for publication in <br /> the A Year of Poetry e-book that will contain poems created by all children at the school. <br /> In addition to classroom work, each series of four grade-level visits concludes with a "Peace <br /> Table" dinner to celebrate the poetry created during that grade's sessions with Ms. Green. The <br /> families of all students in that grade are invited to a potluck dinner where student work is on <br /> display, and Ms. Green attends. These Peace Table dinners are carefully planned to engage <br /> families in community discussions around issues of values and identity, and families who attend <br /> h`. <br /> are asked to encourage their children to lead conversations on some of the issues they have <br /> addressed in their poetry (identity, personal experience, conflict, common ground, feelings, and <br /> race and current events in the upper grades). <br /> Ms. Green's classroom visits last for approximately 45 minutes (longer for the upper grades and <br /> less for the lower grades, as attention spans allow). They are scheduled during the school day at <br /> a time chosen by the classroom teachers. The visits occur once per week for a series of four <br /> consecutive weeks. Classroom teachers remain in their classrooms to observe, to participate, to <br /> reinforce appropriate classroom behavior, and to further integrate the experience into the <br /> curriculum. <br /> The schedule of visits is as follows. <br /> September — 5th Grade (9/9, 9/16, 9/23, 9/29 — Peace Table dinner on 10/12) <br /> October — 4th Grade (10/21, 10/27, 11/3, 11/10 — Peace Table dinner on 11/30) <br />