Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID: 1 FB3C60F-686F-4434-8500-FE7D2516331 E <br /> Resumes of Key artists and administrators involved in grant funded program <br /> Jaki Shelton Green <br /> Jaki Shelton Green is a writer and poet, a North Carolina native whose publications include Dead <br /> on Arrival, Dead on Arrival and New Poems, Masks, Conjure Blues, singing a tree into dance, <br /> breath of the song, Blue Opal(a play), and Feeding the Light Her work has appeared in <br /> publications such as The Crucible, Obsidian, Essence Magazine, Callaloo, and Black Gold:An <br /> Anthology of Black Poetry, among many others. In 2014 the North Carolina native was inducted <br /> into the state's Literary Hall of Fame and was nominated for a Pushcart Prize; in 2009 she served <br /> as the North Carolina Piedmont Laureate. Among other honors, she was named the 2016 Lenoir- <br /> Rhyne University Writer-in-Residence and received a 2007 Sam Ragan Award for Contributions to <br /> the Fine Arts of North Carolina and a 2003 North Carolina Award (literature), the state's highest <br /> civilian honor for significant contributions to the state and nation in fine art, literature, public <br /> service, and science. Green has taught poetry and facilitated creative writing classes at public <br /> libraries, universities and community colleges, public/private schools, and literary organizations. As <br /> a creativity coach, Green facilitates workshops and trainings in the United States and abroad, and <br /> as a community arts advocate, creates and facilitates programs that serve diverse audiences and <br /> populations. Additionally, she judges poetry for schools, anthologies, and prizes such as the <br /> Lucille Clifton Poetry Award. Green is the owner of SistaWR/TE, which provides retreats and travel <br /> excursions for women writers. <br /> Organizational Budgets from 2015-16, 2016-17, Projected 2017-18 <br /> Please see attached. <br /> Artist contact list <br /> Jaki Shelton Green <br /> 226 S. Eleventh Street, Mebane, NC 27302 <br /> (919) 219-0063 <br /> Wildwoman46 <br /> Ephesus Elementary School Staff Roster of Arts Educators <br /> Hannah Murphy, Art Teacher <br /> Patty Penrose-Cashman, Music Teacher <br /> Shawna Catlett, French Teacher <br />