Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID: 1 FB3C60F-686F-4434-8500-FE7D2516331 E <br /> November/December — 3rd Grade (12/2, 12/9, 12/16, 12/19 — Peace Table dinner on 1/10) <br /> January — 2nd Grade (dates TBD) <br /> February — 1st Grade (dates TBD) <br /> March - Kindergarten (dates TBD) <br /> The year's work will culminate in an e-book, A Year of Poetry to be made available to all students <br /> and containing a poem by each student at the school. Further, project evaluations are planned <br /> to determine whether this kind of Artist Residency will be implemented in future years. Teachers <br /> will be asked to take a survey at the end of the school year to help assess whether there were <br /> additional curriculum benefits as a result of the students' work with the Resident Artist. And, <br /> parents will be asked to respond about their children's experiences. <br /> It is worth noting that although there is no requirement for classroom teachers to assume <br /> additional work in poetry, several teachers at the school have elected to incorporate other poetry <br /> writing assignments into classroom work. Further, all teachers have chosen to attend their grades' <br /> Peace Table Dinners, indicating that they recognize the value in this reflective, community <br /> building event. <br /> it <br />