Orange County NC Website
Contract #68-1003 <br />Center for Employment Training <br />enrollment to the designated County Administrator. Expenditures for May and June must <br />be estimated based on average monthly expenditures mar-to-date and reported by May 5, <br />2008 The Countywrll reimburse the Contractor monthly upon receipt of a complete and <br />correctly filed report. <br />Tuition will be reduced for trainees who exit the training early in accordance with the <br />refund policy described in Attachment M. <br />The Contractor will maintain an individual tuition record for each trainee and tuition will <br />be reduced by 90% of any Pell Grant received by the Contractor on behalf of the trainee. <br />Ten percent of the total of any Peli Grant received by the Contractor will be disbursed to <br />the trainee The Contractor will furnish the County with a list of any Pell Grant <br />disbursements to trainees monthly as a attachment to the invoice. <br />At the time of enrollment the Contractor will execute a student agreement that indicates <br />the portion of the Peil Grant to be applied to the cost of tuition based on the Contractor's <br />initial determination of ell i~ bility for a Peil Grant. <br />When it is determined that an estimated Pell Grant will not be received or, if the grant <br />amount is different than the estimate the Contractor will invoice or credit the County so <br />that the tuition including refunds for early termination is not overpaid or underpaid. In <br />no case will cumulative net invoices exceed the grant amount. <br />The Contractor will notify the County of an o~ ther grants that would offset tuition and <br />will document said grants on the monthly reimbursement request. No cost will be <br />duplicated that is charged to any US Department of Labor technical assistance rg ant. <br />F. Area to be served/Delivery site(s): Oran$e County, North Carolina <br />(Signature of County Authorized Person) <br />(Date Submitted) <br />(Signature of Contractor) <br />(Date Submitted) <br />i~ <br />Contract-Scope of Work (06/04) Page 2of 2 <br />