Orange County NC Website
9 <br /> Bonnie Hammersley said the new icon will be displayed wherever it can be or is allowed <br /> to be. She said staff is assessing how quickly this can be done and will follow up with a <br /> memo. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said at the work session last week, the Board discussed advisory <br /> boards, and the size of the HRC board came up. He said he wanted to give Rollin Russell a <br /> heads-up. <br /> Rollin Russell said they are aware of the issue and look forward to the Board's <br /> recommendations. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Dorosin, seconded by Commissioner Price to <br /> approve the implementation of the new wheelchair Accessible Icon Project for Orange County. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> 6-b: Fiscal Year 2016-17 Budget Amendment#3 <br /> The Board considered approving budget, grant, and capital project ordinance amendments for <br /> fiscal year 2016-17. <br /> Commissioner Price said she had a question on the Nature preserve item. She asked <br /> if the funding source could be identified. <br /> Paul Laughton, Finance and Administrative Services, said the Board approved this item <br /> on October 18th, and as a part of the resolution the Board failed to pass how and where to <br /> move the funding. He said this amendment is to officially approve the funds and moving this <br /> from finance to pay-as-you-go funding. He said this amendment is just to create the approval <br /> of the capital funds ordinances that were approved on October 18th <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Price, seconded by Commissioner Dorosin to <br /> approve the budget, grant, and capital project ordinance amendments for fiscal year 2016-17. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> 6-e: Unified Animal Control Ordinance Amendments <br /> The Board considered adopting the proposed Unified Animal Control Ordinance amendments <br /> and approving and authorizing the Chair to sign the Resolution of Amendment, "A Resolution <br /> Amending Chapter 4 of the Orange County Code of Ordinances". <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said he wanted some clarification about the second item on the <br /> abstract, which states: "The Animal Services Advisory Board has determined that the word <br /> "vicious," found throughout the ordinance, is leading to some determinations being appealed, <br /> not based on the facts of the determination, but based on dislike of the word "vicious". In order <br /> to avoid this situation in the future, the Animal Services Advisory Board recommends the word <br /> vicious be changed to dangerous. That amendment is made throughout the attached <br /> document." <br /> Commissioner Jacobs asked if clarification could be provided on who disliked the term <br /> vicious. <br /> Bob Marotto, Animal Services Director, said the concern is the way in which dog <br /> owners understand the declaration of their dog to be vicious. He said the Animal Appeals pool <br /> has discussed this issue, and it was referred to the Animal Services Advisory Board (ASAB) for <br /> consideration. He said the ASAB and staff concurred that removing this inflammatory term <br /> made good sense. <br />