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27 <br /> for 10 years from Orange County. He said that is about 2% of the County's budget. He <br /> clarified that the Board is not being asked to vote on anything substantive this evening. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said the other element is if the Board wants to support the <br /> expanded scope with the addition of NCCU. <br /> Commissioner Rich asked if the $4 million is additional monies. <br /> Danny Rogers said this would be outside of the current funding. <br /> Chair McKee said the $4 million would not be covered by sales tax. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier asked if the distribution between Orange County and Durham <br /> County can be changed. She asked if there are opportunities for Tax Increment Financing <br /> (TIF) in Orange County, like Durham County has. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier said in December a Board intention for local funding will be <br /> desired, and given the timeframe of the final design phase, in April 2017. She said the Board <br /> is being asked to put a placeholder that says it has the intention to look but may or may not <br /> follow through. <br /> Danny Rogers read what the Board is being asked to consider endorsement or provide <br /> comments on the Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro Metropolitan Planning Organization <br /> amendments: <br /> a. to the definition of its Locally Preferred Alternative (LPA) for the D-O LRT project; and <br /> b. to the 2040 Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) for the D-O LRT project. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier clarified that the Board will need to give a firm commitment in <br /> April 2017. <br /> Danny Rogers said April is a timeframe for the GoTriangle and its partners; it is a gut <br /> check to decide if it is worth investing this money. He said no County money would be spent <br /> at that time. <br /> Danny Rogers said the next real point in the process would be in the summer of 2018. <br /> Chair McKee said there is a 5% change trigger that requires a re-look by their partners, <br /> and asked Jeff Mann if there is a reason that these figures do hit that 5%. <br /> Jeff Mann he said he would have to research this. <br /> John Roberts said he has the language, and this more than a 10% change, and the <br /> partners would have to review this. <br /> Chair McKee said this is a decision point as to whether or not to proceed with the <br /> project. <br /> Jeff Mann said the Bus and Rail investment plan is being update, and will be brought <br /> back to the Board for approval in the spring. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said he would like to hear the rest of the PowerPoint <br /> presentation about NCCU. <br /> Commissioner Rich said she did not hear an answer to Commissioner Pelissier's <br /> question, as to whether the percentages of Durham County and Orange County can be looked <br /> at again, or if it has already been voted on, and is set in stone. She said Durham is at 77% <br /> and Orange-Chapel Hill, which is really just Orange County as Chapel Hill has not signed onto <br /> this, has the remainder. <br /> Jeff Mann said that was the current split between the counties based on the interlocal <br /> agreement. <br /> Commissioner Rich said the project is changing due to the potential line extension in <br /> Durham County. <br /> Danny Rogers resumed the PowerPoint presentation: <br /> Status of Durham-Orange LRT <br /> • Addition of North Carolina Central University (NCCU) Station <br />