Orange County NC Website
22 <br /> Commissioner Dorosin said Commissioner Rich is the Board representative on the <br /> Visitor's Bureau (VB), but having someone who is not on VB may be a good choice. He said <br /> he has mixed feelings and asked if the Board had thoughts on this. <br /> Chair McKee suggested taking care of the first item, before discussing an appointment. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Rich to <br /> authorize participation in a Town of Chapel Hill committee to consider the use of Historic Town <br /> Hall as a visitor and history center, and direct staff to look at the value of current VB and <br /> space. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said Commissioner Dorosin made a good point, but who better <br /> to understand the VB, than Commissioner Rich who is on the VB. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin said the Commissioner position is representing the Board of <br /> County Commissioners, not the VB. <br /> Commissioner Rich respected Commissioner Dorosin's comments, but she does not <br /> think this position is representing the VB. She said she would like to be on the committee. <br /> Chair McKee said he would endorse Commissioner Rich, as she brings three <br /> viewpoints: a Commissioner perspective, a VB perspective, and a former Town Council <br /> member perspective. He feels wholeheartedly that she would represent the BOCC. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Pelissier to <br /> appoint Commissioner Rich to represent the County on this Committee. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> c. Durham-Orange Light Rail Transit Project - North Carolina Central University <br /> Extension <br /> The Board considered: 1. Receiving the presentation from GoTriangle; and 2. <br /> Endorsing or providing comments on the Durham- Chapel Hill-Carrboro Metropolitan Planning <br /> Organization (DCHC MPO) amendments: a. to the definition of its Locally Preferred Alternative <br /> (LPA) for the D-O LRT project; and b. to the 2040 Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) for <br /> the D-O LRT project or provide comments. <br /> Jeff Mann, General Manager, said there is a financial gap that they will walk the Board <br /> through, and he reviewed the following information: <br /> BACKGROUND: <br /> In February 2016, GoTriangle received a Combined Final Environmental Impact Statement <br /> (FEIS)/Record of Decision (ROD) for the Durham-Orange Light Rail Transit (D-O LRT) project <br /> from UNC Hospitals in Chapel Hill to Alston Avenue in Durham. In response to comments <br /> received during that process, GoTriangle started to evaluate the option to extend the project <br /> south on Alston Avenue to a station near North Carolina Central University (NCCU). <br /> Preliminary engineering and ridership forecasts found the station to be feasible and capable of <br /> generating high ridership. GoTriangle is currently studying the natural environment and <br /> community impacts. <br /> Recent guidance from the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) indicates that the D-O LRT <br /> project must enter the Final Design phase by February 2017. In order to meet this milestone, <br /> allow the NCCU station to advance into the engineering phase along with the other parts of the <br /> project, and ensure that the entire new alignment qualifies for the 50% Federal match, two <br />