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18 <br /> Commissioner Jacobs wanted to be clear that an additional 180 days are not being <br /> added. <br /> Craig Benedict said the zoning compliance permit implies certain activity, and <br /> suggested checking with the Towns to see if it covers putting a foundation in, or whether it <br /> refers to land clearing. <br /> John Roberts said he does not know how to put that in the adoption tonight, and he <br /> said the motion can be adopted tonight and staff can come back with ways to remedy this <br /> situation for a future amendment. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said that would be fine. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin asked if this issue could be explained under the current <br /> ordinance, in comparison to this motion. <br /> Craig Benedict said under current ordinance one must have a building permit in hand <br /> before an impact fee had changed. He said one could get a zoning compliance permit, and <br /> then get 120 days to get a building permit. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin said the proposal benefits developers, whom under the current <br /> ordinance, must have a building permit in hand by the end of 2016, or they will pay the new <br /> rates. <br /> Craig Benedict said actually, under the current ordinance, the developer must have a <br /> certificate of occupancy. He said the proposal is to back it up to the zoning compliance permit. <br /> He said this is especially pertinent for some of the multi-family projects. <br /> Commissioner Rich asked the Attorney if the content of the motion is vague. <br /> John Roberts said knowing that this is the intent, staff can look at language to address <br /> this with a later amendment. <br /> Commissioner Rich asked if the motion could be restated. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin said the motion is to adopt the grandfathering language about <br /> the one-year grandfathering and the 180 calendar days, and that is the provision that will be <br /> studied to see if it is a loophole that can be closed or clarified. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said he would defer this item until the December 5th meeting, <br /> and ask staff to come back with a tighter rein, and a timeframe that will allow flexibility, but will <br /> not give away the store. <br /> John Roberts suggested adopting the ordinance as amended, with the 75/25 split and <br /> the 7.5% implement change, but not the grandfathering issue and 180 day provision, which will <br /> be brought back for future discussion. <br /> Chair McKee said it is his understanding that the Board adopted the 75/25 split, and the <br /> 7.5% implementation change. He said the grandfathering issue is all that remains. <br /> John Roberts said Commissioner Dorosin made a motion to choose those two things, <br /> but the Board has not adopted the ordinance amendment itself. He said the Board will need to <br /> go back to number three, and authorize finalization of the study and adopt its results. He said <br /> the Board has not actually adopted the ordinance. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin withdrew the last motion he made. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier agreed. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Dorosin, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs to <br /> authorize finalization of the school impact fee study reports by the consultant (TischlerBise). <br /> VOTE: Ayes, 4 (Commissioner Dorosin, Commissioner Jacobs, Commissioner Rich, <br /> Commissioner Pelissier); Nays, 2 (Chair McKee and Commissioner Price) <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Dorosin, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs to <br /> adopt attachment 3 subject to the changes above ( Attachment 3 if the Board believes a 75/25 <br />