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17 <br /> Commissioner Jacobs referred to the age specific units, and asked if a development <br /> was to be in this category for 20 years, and this changed before the 20 years, does the entire <br /> impact fee get paid, or just the remainder. <br /> Craig Benedict said the difference between what was paid originally, and what the new <br /> rate is, will be paid. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said the Board has very few options under the law to fund school <br /> construction, and this is one of their few tools. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said he is in favor of the 75/25, but would consider a 7.5% <br /> increase per year, over a 4-year period. He said he does not want to extend the capacity to <br /> revert back to lower impact fees. <br /> Chair McKee asked if the lag time between the last adoption of impact fees and today <br /> could be identified. <br /> Craig Benedict said the study started in 2006, and they became effective in 2008. <br /> Chair McKee said he will not be able to support this tonight, but knowing that the <br /> majority of the Board does support it, he suggested doing a 4-5 year implementation schedule, <br /> starting at lowest level. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said his suggestion of the 7.5%, over 4 years, was a <br /> compromise. He referred to the article at their places on impact fees, and said if some of the <br /> hurt can be reduced for the residents, it should be. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin asked if Craig Benedict would explain why the recommendation <br /> is for 75/25. <br /> Craig Benedict said this is an option. He said at the last meeting, it was evident that <br /> multi-family was not going to be 50% and 50%, but rather 75/25. He said staff put the <br /> proposal together to reflect a better assumption. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin asked if the two alternatives presented in the handout, the two <br /> tables, yield the same revenues. <br /> Craig Benedict said yes. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Dorosin, seconded by Commissioner Pelissier to <br /> approve: Attachment 3 if the Board believes a 75/25 multi-family unit bedroom split projection <br /> is the more realistic projection. (Fees would begin at 43% of the MSIF). <br /> VOTE: Ayes, 4 (Commissioner Dorosin, Commissioner Jacobs, Commissioner Rich, <br /> Commissioner Pelissier); Nays, 2 (Chair McKee and Commissioner Price) <br /> MOTION PASSES <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Dorosin, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs to <br /> approve the rate of acceleration at 7.5% per year, over 4 years. <br /> VOTE: Ayes, 4 (Commissioner Dorosin, Commissioner Jacobs, Commissioner Rich, <br /> Commissioner Pelissier); Nays, 2 (Chair McKee and Commissioner Price) <br /> MOTION PASSES <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Dorosin, seconded by Commissioner Pelissier to <br /> accept the grandfathering provisions as described by the staff. <br />