Orange County NC Website
On the 2nd charge, in what Wises way is the present <br /> system unfair and to whom it is unfair, the Task Force <br /> could not totally pinpoint those citizens for whom the system <br /> is unfair. Among the questions and issues raised were: <br /> 1. Is the issue one of fairness based on reality or is it <br /> one of perception? <br /> 2. Is the system unfair to African Americans and women? <br /> 3 . Is it fair that Chapel Hill Township voters can <br /> determine the destiny of the county without any <br /> consideration of the needs and concerns of the- remaining <br /> parts of the county (i.e. the recent school bond <br /> referendum)? <br /> The Task Force struggled with these issues as noted by <br /> the earlier 5 to 3 vote. <br /> However, the Task Force felt that whether or not it is <br /> reality or perception, there are citizens who do perceive <br /> that the system is unfair and does not work for them. <br /> Therefore by an 8 to 0 vote, the Task Force recommends <br /> that you consider and implement the following points: <br />