Orange County NC Website
y <br /> AFTER THE STORM - - ------ <br /> HOW TO HELP F I •;.;a 4 .�t ' 2-year-old tornado <br /> 'r fi 21 ;I l a, <br /> ■ Give checks to The n <br /> American Red Cross, 105 t� �' e r► T� _ • ,� birthday <br /> W. Main St., Carrboro, NC •-� Vll�-l',7j,1'lnl <br /> 27510; Orange Congrega- - ++ a <br /> tions In Mission,341 Ja'M- <br /> 27 Drive, Hillsborough, "-.d. celebrated da <br /> Sav- <br /> ings B Hillsborough Sao_ '! y early <br /> ings Bank, 260 S. Churton � _ i' <br /> or 112 N.Churton St.,Hills- ' _ , <br /> A <br /> borough, 27278. Checks fi thti'~ +y.S Yztat�l f By BLAKE DICKINSON months old, all escaped injury. <br /> should be made out to the <br /> Hillsborough Tornado Relief l� f j Chapel Hill bureau The same luck held for Robert <br /> . �' <br /> Fund. J "+; HILLSBOROUGH — Little, Douglas Hall Jr.,his wife,Leslie, <br /> ■ Drop off clothes and .fir t' / Itg' ,`+t r golden-haired Josh Hall and his and their 3-year-old son,Robbie. <br /> non-perishable food at 45,x. w . t t close-knit family celebrated his "We're just, fortunate we <br /> OCIM in the Daniel Boone / �Y'� second birthday a day early didn't lose more children,"Scar- <br /> Village In Hillsborough from �rl, t. Sunday with a cake and a pile lette said. <br /> 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Fairview L;I ofpresen[s- 'The Halls also are fortunate <br /> Baptist Church at 650 Cor- '41 His proud parents. Mark and that nearly all Family members <br /> nelius St.;Church of Recon. f Lisa Hall, looked on as Josh live within three miles of each <br /> ciliation at 110 Elliott Road, ; 1 pulled the wrapping paper from Other,Scarlette said. <br /> Chapel Hill;WCHL-AM radio, 44 , ''ywl 'ti his toys and ate his treats.Rela- "If something happens,you've <br /> 1721 E. Franklin St.; t ` .•I 1� �' tives videotaped the party for got support,"she said."When 1 <br /> Canbom Fire Department, t posterity, get a wound,everybody bleeds." <br /> 301 W.Main St.,Canboro. ` lit Today that same family will The family pulled together to <br /> ■ Donate large sheets of f ;�'.. bury Josh, a victim of Monday comfort the grieving and to <br /> plastic to North Hills Shop- 1 '^ morning's killer tornado,in the house those who need shelter, <br /> ping Center,at N.C.86 and k Mars Hill'Baptist Church cent- Scarlette said. '"The family can <br /> U.S.70,Hillsborough. { etery.His funeral service will be double up and take people in," <br /> ■ Clean up debris or do- conducted at 2 p.m. in the she said. "That way they can <br /> nate equipment by calling ' Walker's Funeral Home chapel stay together,more or less,and <br /> Orange County Central by the Rev.Rick Edwards. be a family." <br /> Communications at 968 A LITTLE HUG:Two-year-old Josh Davis hugs his the children's eat-uncle. The children s and nl i think the family's stilt in The four tornado victims still <br /> 2050 or 644-3030. cousin Ashley While In Hillsborough while redo- the foundation at the mobile home had rested shock," said Nalda Scarlette, convalescing m area hospitals <br /> tives sift through the remains of the home of upon. Josh's great-aunt and his grand- also have had to rely mi family <br /> 1 mother's sister. "He was a very support. <br /> `—�, 7" sweet,affectionate child.A lov- Sue folly,35,remained in fail <br /> V1Ct1111's wife lee s • • ablechilde condition at UNC Hospitals <br /> p memories alive His father, mother and sister, Tuesday with a fractured pelvis <br /> Megan, 4, all were thrown sev- and several broken bones in her � <br /> eral hundred feet into a nearby neck. Hospital mate Earlie Ja- <br /> By BLAKE DICKINSON stand of trees about 2:20 a.m. cobs, no age available, was list- <br /> "He just said. Jesus picked known he was also an ac- pie have just poured in. Food Monday when the tornado de- ed in good condition by a hospi- <br /> Chapel Hill bureau your house up,'" she recalled. complished singer and a tenor has poured in.'It's just been molished their home off U.S_70, tai spokeswoman. <br /> HILLSBOROUGH — Tornado "tie said,'Ere was just picked up for The Reflections,a local gos- wonderful," west of town. Jolly suffered her injuries <br /> winds may have silenced her on a big cloud and carried up to pel group,Kathy Terrell said. , He will be, missed, friends Much of the Halls' battered after being thrown 200 feet <br /> husband's gospel-rich voice and Jesus.". "His life was singing," b belongings <br /> scattered his personal belong- A funeral service for Terrell K K.'s she ex- agreed. remained strewn from her mobile home as the <br /> K plained. Joe Terrell sang in "This community has suffered across a nearby field and hang- tornado demolished it early <br /> ings. but Kathy Terrell vowed Will be held at 2 p.m. today in church choirs all his life, she a deep loss," said Stephen ing from bushes and tree Monday. <br /> 'Tuesday to keep his memory the Abundant Life Church.Buri- said. Hatkiotis, an Orange Coun branches Tuesday.A small army Larry Talbert, 52, who owns <br /> alive. at will be in the Walnut Grove He sang during last Sunday's Board of Commissioners mem- of friends and family had as- Occoneechee Farm Steak[louse, <br /> "I'm going to make a scrap- United Church cemetery. service at Abundant Life, Ter- ber and principal of Oran a sembled to salvage as much as and his wife. Sharon, age un- <br /> book for my son,"Kathy Terrell Most people around Hills- rell said.The church taped his High Schol. "One that I think possible. available,were listed in satisfac- <br /> said, her eyes rimming with borough probably knew her performance and the Rev. ,will never be replaced." "You can replace material tory condition Tuesday by a <br /> [ears. husband as the owner of Ter- David Smith plans to play one Family friend Doris Shamblee things, but you can't replace a Duke University Medical Center <br /> "When he's older I'm sure rell's Tire & Auto Parts, Kathy of Joe Terrell's songs at today's agreed. child," Scarlette lamented. "It's spokeswoman. <br /> he'll appreciate it." Terrell said. "He was always a funeral. just heartbreaking.""He planted a lot of seeds," Larry Talbert suffered a frac- <br /> workaholic," she said. "He Joe Terrell left a big family she said, evoking the words of Hard as it may be to consider, tured leg when the twister lifted <br /> Joe Terrell, 53, died Monday worked six days a week." behind,his wife said, <br /> from massive injuries suffered If it had wheels and an en- In addition s his youngest toe Ter°Hes may not see played that Monday's tragedy could have and flipped the family's mobile <br /> in an early-morning twister gine.Joe Terrell was willing to son,he also had two children— harvest here,but he'll see it.•' been worse, she said.The same home. Sharon Talbert received <br /> :fiat tore apart his U.S.70 West twister that ripped into Mark several broken ribs. <br /> mobile home. work on it, his wife of nine Jeff, 27, and Amy, 2l — from Dot Hilliard lost her only son- Hall's home also tore roofs off "If they hadn't heard it com- <br /> His wife and 8-year-old son, years said. an earlier marriage. Three sis- in-law, the one that called her two nearby homes that held his ing they wouldn't be here <br /> Krasner, were staying at his -He had a ton of accounts up ten—Linda Bailey,Eloise Cook Nanny. "We had a great bond sisters and brother's families. today," Charles Talbert said <br /> there," Kathy Terrell said. 'I and Glenda Knight — and his between us,"she said."I'd tell French and Nita Trembley from his brother's hospital <br /> mother-in-law's Durham apart- guess everybody in Hills- parents.—Ethel and John Ter- hint, 'you're the one,'and he'd and[heir four children,ranging room. "I'm very pleased. <br /> ment and escaped unscathed. borough, Durham and Burling- .rell—also survive him. •, just,laugh. If anybody in the m age from 16 years to 7 They're doing all right." <br /> The pastor at Abundant Life ton did work with us. Lots of "Evcrybo Y,. "•rk ,fir K y y <br /> Church. where the Terrells at- time we got stuck�wiLhuut t Ivcll,'• ddffik petty world-loved me,it-+vas7v�ief (- ewe+rw�axcacart�snr>.®. <br /> tend and Kramer goes to school, rnens�. but that was all ght. Kathy Terrell s.iid. 'P,•o- rell." 1 --- <br /> tried to explain the Iusz to the That was just the kind of guy <br /> ritild that next ,l.iy. K.,[hy're, he(vas" <br />