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<br /> TORNADO - `'' '
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<br /> In some areas, the winds destroyed away, "I just paid for it, now I lost ev- 7,111 +. ;a tt�t /, ft '1 `
<br /> houses but left nearby structures un- erything I got,"Clayton said. .,y r V •'. - 4:.,�� if
<br /> capede nJ Several people narrowly es- bed When said
<br /> he tornado struck.Two ready ' .+' f'e'w'i r- �j J� \� tr '' y f,4
<br /> Bobby Mayo, who lives on Faucette dren and two other adults were already • , �'� '
<br /> i 7':t i ‘,-,.ty'r s'•Mill Road,said he and his wife ran down asleep in the trailer when the electricity t r+:.-tt. .. ` ,". c+•' ''i, v ,r
<br /> to their basement after they realized a failed and trees began falling in the ;1 ►� - . -,•
<br /> tirtiF!
<br /> tornado was about to strike.He said the yard, Pit w ✓ ' ' le
<br /> winds made an unforgettable sound. Clayton said she and the others fell _ •;
<br /> "It's a cold feeling," Mayo said. "It through the floorboards of the trailer ,, - �?
<br /> gives you the feeling that this might be after being tossed out of bed. While + s •�. I
<br /> it I've almost drowned and I've been Clayton and her companions hugged the , ;a•- t _"+'••t-"=+.. ! ' ee •• ,_•,,,,
<br /> shot at, but there's no feeling in this earth, the tornado lifted the walls and i _ _ . . f� ' 0°..",y...."-r...'•��+-=-
<br /> world like a tornado coming at you." roof into the air and smashed them , ( _ +. as -
<br /> Mayo said it sounded as though two agair.st a neighboring stand of trees.
<br /> tornadoes swept over his residence, After the storm passed, there wasn't • ` , -'t A> '- -k�•r - . -
<br /> which borders the Fairview community. much to do except find shelter, Clayton
<br /> He spent Monday morning extricating said. '�:+r I ! / ' , �..
<br /> his cars from his flattened garage and By noon, emergency personnel had _ i d•f F� .
<br /> trying to calm his horse and pigs. wrapped up their search and rescue a .r .
<br /> Hillsborough Fire Chief Mark Gordon work and switched their attention to the ' �� ' ;‘...._._.•.- -
<br /> said firefighters arrived in damaged cleanup effort, Hillsborough Town Man-
<br /> .
<br /> areas about 2:40 a.m. Some used chain ager Eric Swanson said.He said he didn't ' 1r._ _ "
<br /> saws to remove trees blocking area know how much, if any. financial help ."r ■ �'
<br /> roads,and other volunteers immediately Hillsborough residents could expect from :' •.-, s-•.ii " , sO r y
<br /> went to work searching for the missing federal agencies. - �`•. "
<br /> and injured. Downed trees and power lines Criss - '' T 4�_
<br /> They focused the search effort on Holi- crossing U.S. 70 closed the road to t f' . 1; -
<br /> day Park Road. where some people had through traffic. Heavy equipment opera- 1 i 1• " �`•
<br /> been reported missin tors and Duke Power crews worked non- - '' "— M
<br /> Joshua Hall and Joe Terrell. who died stop to clear the roadway and restore ' '� -tie: `t'•%. -s ! '
<br /> in the storm, were found within 200 or power. Rescue volunteers also worked '� VV., . ' " .- ' -Z, '•300 yards of their homes,Gordon said throughout the day, bringing food and Si..- 4 - .` » . a �;
<br /> 'We were running searches in five supplies to the hardest hit areas. About•-� i^ `"fir ' w
<br /> separate areas, bur we never had contir• 20 volunteers staffed the shelter at Or- 't �, --'•'�T�, t�
<br /> oration that there were more than two ange High's gym.said Steve Small,disas- r �- �,;'r
<br /> ,� missing,"he said. ter relief chairman for American Red it `, - { S'
<br /> -a Volunteers combed through the rubble Cross's Carrboro chapter. � ._. e, ->;?� ?" -`
<br /> of smashed homes, and then widened Small couldn't estimate how many t,- t a - z.• .�' -:'
<br /> their searches into surrounding yards people would stay at the shelter Monday •ti^-.o.._ - • - '.a.• ' '' ` 'me _
<br /> and wooded areas. Twenty residences night. Many damaged houses don't have 7` +- -••� 'tzi_. .
<br /> were destroyed and 75 were damaged, electricity,so those people would be like- .- f •i +let.. -'^4-td,` ,
<br /> Orange County officials estimated. ly shelter residents,he said. _ 1- , ' "'ti
<br /> •Gordon had no idea at the time how Utility crews worked all day restoring ,- _ - A-_ i{
<br /> many people were affected. "There was power to affected areas.About 300 Duke V,,,,:',7",..,.- f .,, ‘J- s& t r s f•
<br /> no way to account for people," he said. Power customers were without power % `i , `�'A l ,, ll
<br /> ••W just waited until we had reports of following the tornado,spokesman Randy - :•� ^ ! ., e �- : 1•i s. r
<br /> people missing and then found them." Wheeless said. He added he wasn't sure N . .A•.._ t w a ,E
<br /> Once those reports had been run when power will be completely restored ,f"''' '� s.�.'a '�04._,..111„,_ 5,_"
<br /> down,workers conducted a doorto•door and added that it would depend on how ' y •
<br /> search of the Fairview area. looking for badly areas were damaged, „• P d '."` -:. .:
<br /> people who may have been trapped. Representatives from three federal at � ,•Mamie Clayton and her family sat in a agencies will arrive Tuesday to assess the - - 7 ti ` �
<br /> car parked^"''r thr m*vai;c nt her Odle damage. _ tray officials said later in the �� -
<br /> µ ••t s Y
<br /> .rreet t,aiLr, while a ■rirnd picked eay. ^" t.. .. •vow.^. rtetermine a '�' Y. ,;' +: � t
<br /> through the wreci,e,e lnokiur; inr her the town would qualify Inc aid.anti if so ST& .''G• Jt•�I`- 1 - _ • !•
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