----------- x.'AGE TF kLD-St I ---ZHAM. "77-77
<br /> SDAY,iNuvrMBER z4, iv,)2
<br /> DAMAGE
<br /> JO HELP
<br /> FROM A I
<br /> wind picked tip the house
<br /> ■Give monetary dona-
<br /> with the Hall family inside tion, to The American Red
<br /> and hurled it several hundred
<br /> Cross, 105 W. Main St,,
<br /> feet into a nearby thicket,
<br /> Carrboro, 27510; Orange
<br /> where the family members Congregations in Mission,
<br /> were deposited amid their 341 Ja'Max Drive, Hillsbor-
<br /> home's twisted remnants. Mark ough, 27278; Hillsborough
<br /> Hall, Joshua's father, extricated Savings Bank, 260 S. Chur-
<br /> himself and quickly found his 112 N. Churton St.•wife and daughter. hO bank asks that checks
<br /> A firefighter discovered I be I ade out to Hillsbor-
<br /> Joshua nearby after a frantic 01 odgftf'T.rn.clo Relief Fund/
<br /> pre-dawn search by family American Red Cross to en-
<br /> members, friends and emer- sure that the money re-
<br /> gency workers.Joshua Hall was y. mains in Orange County.
<br /> pronounced dead at UNC Hospi- EDonate time to OCIM,
<br /> cols later that morning.
<br /> 732-6194, or The American
<br /> "We just celebrated his birth- ♦ do Red Cross,942-4862.
<br /> day Sunday,". said Leslie Hall, ■Drop off clothes and
<br /> Joshua's aunt. Joshua would non-perishable food at
<br /> have been 2 today. "It's odd. OCIM in the Daniel Boone
<br /> isn't it?" Village in Hillsborough from
<br /> Pink insulation from Mark 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Fairview
<br /> flail's home hung on nearby • Baptist Church at 650 Cor
<br /> trees and bushes like cotton nellus St.;Church of Recon-
<br /> ciliation at 110 Elliott Road,
<br /> candy. Clothing and plastic
<br /> Chapel Hill;WCHL-AM radio,
<br /> strips dangled from branches in
<br /> the Monday morning breeze. A L721 E.Franklin St.
<br /> Volkswagen Beetle chassis lay ■Bring clothes and
<br /> twisted around the trunk of a foods to an ecumenical
<br /> Thanksgiving service honor-
<br /> tree. ing the tornado victims
<br /> Leslie Hall's home, about 150 today at 7:30 p.m. at
<br /> yards east of her brother-in- Mount Bright Baptist Church
<br /> law's place, lost the roof and
<br /> d, s two outer walls around a son's at 211 W. Union St., Hills-
<br /> bedroom. Shingles and boards borough. The service is
<br /> lay scattered in the yard.Bricks OCIM's annual worship ser-
<br /> and shattered glass formed vice, and this year it will
<br /> hea offer prayers for tornado vic-
<br /> ps next to the home.
<br /> tims.
<br /> "It was like a freight train
<br /> M Get trees or other Be-
<br /> coming," Leslie Hall explained. bris cleaned up by calling
<br /> "We just lay in the hall until it Orange County Central
<br /> was over. It made that loud Communications at 968-
<br /> noise and everything was fly- DEATH TRAP:Only the basement remains of the Hall home where 2-year-old Joshua Hall was killed by a tornado early Monday. 2050 or 644-3030.
<br /> ing."
<br /> tier brother-in-law, French hillside west of the Halls' prop- justice." Sharon, were taken to Duke 111 just grabbed them and
<br /> Trembley, his wife and four erty. He died after the tornado In all, 18 people were treated University Hospital, hospital threw them to the floor," Kevin
<br /> children also escaped injury, lifted his home and smashed it at UNC Hospitals and Duke Uni- spokeswoman Renee Twombly Talbert said. "I held onto Mom Many students, teachers
<br /> though they also lost part of against surrounding trees. His versity Hospital. said. * and Daddy as tight as I could
<br /> their roof body was found about 20 feet L Doctors at UNC Hospitals saw Larry Talbert remained in and that's when it hit.The trail- sMp school after stoma
<br /> "We made it into the bath- from the mobile home, 17 tornado victims, including fair condition late Monday with er exploded.,"
<br /> room right as the wind started "It looks like a war zone and Joshua Hall, hospital spokes- a broken leg and his wife was HILLSBOROUGH — Orang'.
<br /> Kevin Talbert dug him�self out
<br /> to hit," Trembley said. "I held a bomb was dropped,"said Jack woman Beverly Thompson said. in good condition, being held of the wreckage and pulled his County schools were spared
<br /> them in the bathroom and held Cook, Terrell's brother-in-law. Of those, 10 were treated and for observation. physical damage from Monday
<br /> mother to safety. After running
<br /> onto the door casing. "All that remains of the trailer released*and three remained The Tallberts and son Kevin morning's tornado, but many
<br /> to a neighbor's house for a students and teachers siaed
<br /> "You hear'about it and you now is a twisted frame. Every- hospitalized Monday evening. were injured when their trailer flashlight, he pulled his aunt e y
<br /> have people describe it,but you thing is just disintegrated- It Alice Sue jolly and Earlie Ja- flipped onto its roof from under the toppled walls of' home Monday.
<br /> just don't realize how much looks like nature's great bush- cobs remained in UNC Hospitals Kevin Talbert said he'd just her nearby home. School employees spent much
<br /> force it has," Trembley contin- hog came through here." in fair condition, Thompson gone to bed when he heard the When he reached his father Of the day counseling students
<br /> tied. "It sure did a number. Terrell will be missed, Cook said. wind making a strange noise thouh Kevin Talbert cliq' and consoling each other in the
<br /> g ,
<br /> We're OK physically-" Joe Ter- said. Steve Harvey was being oper- and walked into his parents' ' wake of the early morning tor
<br /> roll, who owned and operated "lie's the heart, of the fam- ated on late Monday and his bedroom to wake them. As they covered his legs were crushed. nado which killed two peopiv
<br /> Terrell's Tire&Auto Parts,lived ily," he said. "He was just a fine condition wasn't available. got out of bed the twister Ray Gronherg and Laura Cron- and left s(cres of others honi•
<br /> in a mobile home on a nearby man. Makes you wonder about Larry Talbert and his wife, turned into their home. Shaw rortributed to this Story. less in t`.v orea.
<br />