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<br /> TORNADO BLASTS THROUGH ORANGE COUNTY:The morning after revealed damage typical of a tornado—one home left standing while a neighbor's house is completely demolished.
<br /> �n as tornado Aps Hillsborough
<br /> f� k Downed power lines,trees
<br /> 2 die
<br /> N Faucene Mill s did
<br /> h Extensive damage to ' TuliPtree By BLAKE DICKINSON
<br /> homes in Fairview,Odle 57 Chapel HIII bureau
<br /> p
<br /> neighborhoods Ra' HILLSBOROUGH—A local business owner and ti fY
<br /> a boy who had just celebrated his second birth-
<br /> day were killed early Monday by a tornado that
<br /> t� played a deadly and destructive game of hop-
<br /> One man killed,3 8 f s m � iy scotch through northwestern Hillsborough. t
<br /> homes destroyed Another 18 people were taken to area hospitals
<br /> r ce for treatment. Five remained hospitalized and
<br /> Duke TWO-year-Old P were listed in fair to good condition Monday _
<br /> 0�i' boy killed, TO wd4 evening.
<br /> dSt Try Two-year-old Joshua Hall and businessman Joe
<br /> home + Terrell, 53, died after the twister ripped through
<br /> destroyed ? a t r a wooded thicket off U.S_ 70 about 2:20 a.m. and 1
<br /> y �# tore into a cluster of trailers and houses.
<br /> f t The tornado also touched down along Ben t
<br /> l ' H/y '`Nor 0r „„a, S •'cblbin St"" Johnston Road and in the Fairview and Odie
<br /> Half of roof Street neighborhoods,causing serious damage.
<br /> t a,. TORNADOS PATH
<br /> ripped from , ,r. "[ dug into the carpet with both hands," said T
<br /> DMV THROUGH HILLSBOROUGH Larry Harvey,whose home survived."i knew we
<br /> building e Two people were killed when a were in a world of hell. We just had to hang in
<br /> tornado ripped through there and hope for the best."
<br /> northwestern Hillsborough about Flattening trees in its path, the tornado cut a
<br /> 2:20 a.m_Monday.The storm a_
<br /> fb apparentry cut a northeaster swath across the Halls'property,located
<br /> 4 Two homes in trailer swath(shown by the light orange on the northern side of U.S. 70 about"one mile
<br /> park hit by falling trees arrow),sending approximately 18 west of town. , '
<br /> �4 h people to area hospitals and The neram-sa�nuROLa MDORe
<br /> o, € Only the foundation remained zfter the whirl-
<br /> demolishing dozens of homes
<br /> please see DAMAGE/AS IN RUIN: Betty Daye picks through the remains of Willie Hill's Riddle Road home.
<br /> CLOUDY Living room addition saves cou les' lives
<br /> HIGH: 62 LOW: 53 coup ,
<br /> Additional forecast information on page 88
<br /> - By RAY GRONBERG room was blown out,but the roof didn't started spinning and it was all over. i INSIDE
<br /> and DWIGHT MARTIN collapse. dug into the carpet with both hands. I
<br /> ` BUSINESS/C6 LOCAL NEWS/Cl The Herald-Sun "If I'd stayed in the bedroom I knew we were in a world of hell. We
<br /> CLASSIFIEDS/C10 MANNERS/C14 HILLSBOROUGH — When Maynard wouldn't be here now, I reckon," Ut- just had to hang in there and hope for How to help/A8
<br /> COMICS/136 MOVIES/C14 Utsman and his wife added a wood- sman,68,said. the best." Insurance tips/A9 .
<br /> `i CROSSWORD/1137 OBITUARIES/C2 frame living room with a fireplace and Utsman said his family has no short- The Utsmans and the Harveys were New radar system
<br /> DEAR ABBY/137 OPED/A13 chimney to their mobile home off Holi- age of friends and relatives who can among many town residents who spent improves tornado
<br /> EDITORIALS/Al2 SPORTS/BI day Park Road, they never dreamed it offer shelter, but added that the pros- Monday picking through wreckage left forecasting/A9
<br /> n HOMETOWN/A6 STOCKS/C7 would save their lives.But that's what it pect is bittersweet, given that he had by the fatal tornado that moved north- Storms' night attacks
<br /> HOROSCOPE/B7 TELEVISION/135 did earl Monday morning. g
<br /> Y Y g• lived in the same home for 20 years. east along a path in northwest Hillsbor-
<br /> LANDERS/BT THAT'S LIFE/A7 g p make it difficult to notify
<br /> Utsman and his wife were asleep in "I've got plenty of places to stay, but ou h, destroying more than two dozen
<br /> }. g Y g public/A9
<br /> their bedroom when a killer tornado, there's no place like home," Utsman homes and heavily damaging others. South Carolinians face
<br /> (T T cutting a swath through Hillsborough, said."Even if it is in little pieces."
<br /> LL JJ)) Have a question about The tornado, which struck at 2:20 storms'aftermath A9
<br /> The Herald-Sun? woke them. "I ain't never heard such a The occupants of a double-wide mo- a.m_Monday,snapped mature trees,lift- aftermath/
<br /> A9
<br /> racket,"he said. bile home on Ben Johnston Road also es- State by state damage/
<br /> ed mobile homes from their foundations
<br /> Herald-Sun C i ! They ran from their bedroom into the taped injury when the tornado hurled A9
<br /> Uses an SUBSCRIPTIONS i DELIVERY:419.6900 living room addition and lay down in their home 50 feet onto its side. and ripped the roofs from several parts
<br /> awrageof front of a couch. The blast of the ass- 'M wife woke me u and I said et es.[t killed two people and leveled parts Tornadoes rip through 12
<br /> 50%r Bled WANT ADS:419 6910 P Y p g of some neighborhoods. states,kill 25/A9
<br /> NEWS-41%6630
<br /> ing tornado disintegrated their trailer, on the floor now," Larry Harvey said.
<br /> newsprint. scattering debris. One wall of the living "The trailer started shaking, the wind please see TORNADO/A9 ---.-
<br /> i
<br /> lAfl t7.213t3tV3AON 'AVaS3f11 7N •VJVIR)fl(l 'fdf': (IIVN1113H1 17 1,V3OVd
<br />