Orange County NC Website
i#F P/ei,2 <br /> ORANGE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS <br /> P.O. Box 8181 <br /> HILLSBOROUGH, N.C. <br /> 27278 <br /> Moses Carey,Jr. 732-8181 <br /> Alice M. Gordon 968-4501 <br /> Stephen H. Halkiotis 688-7331 <br /> Verla C.Insko LI / 227-2031 <br /> Don Willhoit <br /> 11 644-3004 (Fax) <br /> MEMORANDUM <br /> TO: Pam Jones <br /> FROM: Beverly A. Blythe <br /> DATE: October 19, 1993 <br /> RE: REQUEST FOR COPY OF CONTRACT OR AGREEMENT APPROVED BY BOCC <br /> My records indicate that the contract/agreement as stated <br /> below was approved by the BOCC at their meeting held on 8/4/93 . <br /> Will you please send me three copies of this document with <br /> all required signatures including budget and finance, if necessary, <br /> and I will have them signed by Chair Carey. <br /> If you send me instructions, I will be glad to distribute <br /> these documents for you <br /> Thank you for helping me obtain all the contracts/agreements <br /> that are necessary for my permanent agenda file. <br /> DOCUMENT: <br /> AGREEMENT FOR SPACE PLANNING AT THE SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT <br /> YOU COUNT IN ORANGE COUNTY 1 toIP <br />