Orange County NC Website
3 <br /> hakan/corley & associates, inc. architects • engineers • planners <br /> May 25, 1993 <br /> Ms. Pam Jones, Director <br /> Purchasing and Central Services <br /> County of Orange <br /> P. O. Box 8181 <br /> Hillsborough, NC 27278 <br /> RE: Sheriffs Office Space Plan Study <br /> Hillsborough, NC <br /> Dear Pam: <br /> • <br /> Thank you for the opportunity to submit our proposal for space planning of the Sheriffs office in <br /> Hillsborough. <br /> During our tour with you and Sheriff Pendergrass, Ken Redfoot and I learned some of the problems <br /> that need resolving during this space plan study. Our study will begin with the existing building and <br /> an analysis of the best arrangement for staff relationships. The new area devoted to the Sheriffs <br /> operation will be the space recently vacated by the Board of Elections. We will also analyze the <br /> lobby, toilet, and office areas for accessibility by the handicapped. The exterior entrance also needs <br /> to meet code accessibility requirements. <br /> We will also present a preliminary proposed expansion of this-building to accommodate a larger <br /> operation, which will be a future project. <br /> 1 <br /> This proposal is not for final design/construction drawings at this time. Whenever we know how <br /> much of the plan the County can afford, we can give you a budget for Construction Documents and <br /> Administration. Our design cost to provide the above services, including four meetings, will be <br /> $4,200. This includes 60 hours of drafting, design and conference time. <br /> After you review this proposal and, if you have any questions, please give me a call. <br /> Sincerely, <br /> / ,,1%"/) ` <br /> Glenn D. Corley, A.I.A. <br /> GDC:esw <br /> M.J. HAKAN, P.E. BOX 2368, CHAPEL HILL, NC 27515-2368 (9191 942-8586 KENNETH E. REDFOOT <br />