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5 <br />When receiving CESQG Wastes, Contractor shall require the participant (generator) to complete <br />and sign a Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generator Certification indicating that they <br />meet the criteria of a conditionally exempt small quantity generator as defined under 40 CFR <br />261.5, and also certifying that the business/entity is physically located in Orange County. <br />When billing County for the charges associated with managing HHW and CESQG Waste (at the <br />per pound as specified in Section 3, subsection b), Contractor will account for any and all <br />accepted CESQG wastes and shall provide County with a copy of the Conditionally Exempt <br />Small Quantity Generator Certifications, an accurate count of the number of CESQG Participants <br />each month, and as accurate estimate of the amount (in pounds) of CESQG Wastes managed <br />each month. <br />Section 4.g) of the Agreement is amended as follows: <br />Waste Generated ~ Local Governments and Public School Systems within Orange County: <br />Divisions of Orange County Government, other Local Governments within Orange County <br />(Towns of Carrboro, Chapel Hill, and Hillsborough), and the Public School Systems within <br />Orange County (Chapel Hill Carrboro Public School System and the Orange County Public <br />School System) may deliver hazardous wastes to the Commercial Waste and Conditionally <br />Exempt Small Quantity Generator Program (see section 4, subsection f) provided that the entity <br />is a conditionally exempt small quantity generator as defined under 40 CFR 261.5. When and if <br />wastes are brought to County's HEiW facility by Local Governments and / or Public School <br />Systems it will be the sole responsibility of the generator to ensure that wastes are transported in <br />a legal and safe manner. As an alternative to having the generator deliver the waste to the <br />County's facility, with Contractor's prior approval, wastes may be picked up by Contractor at the <br />generator's location(s). If wastes are collected by Contractor at a location other than County's <br />HHW facility, Contractor may charge the generator for collection. <br />Section 4.n) of the Agreement is created as follows: <br />Pro arg_m Expansion and Creation of Additional Collection Locations: If during the term of this <br />Agreement, County desires to establish an additional permanent collection location(s), County <br />and Contractor may negotiate the cost associated with designing, permitting, staffing and <br />managing the waste accepted at this additional location. If County and Contractor cannot come <br />to mutually acceptable terms and conditions for the terms and scope of work associated with <br />establishing the additional location(s), then County may issue a Requests for Proposals (RFP) to <br />seek a vendor to handle this additional work separately and distinct from the services managed <br />under this Agreement, or County and Contractor may agree to end services under this Agreement <br />and County may seek RFPs for all work associated with this Agreement and including all new <br />work and services sought by County. <br />Full Force and Effect <br />Except as amended by this Addendum, the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. <br />